Have you ever...

  • Thread starter Marc
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  • #701
By my count, at least 5/6 time in my life now I have fainted or in 1 case, nearly done so.

Have you ever wished the apocalypse would happen so you could get a new-ish start?
  • #702
Jup. Some wishes shouldn't be fulfilled.

Have you ever made someone's day?
  • #703

Have you ever misunderstood a piece of knowledge or information for a long length of your life until the truth finally hit you? An example:

  • #704
Yes, Too many times :D

Have you ever stolen something from your school and everyone was looking for it?? - I stole a sharpie from science :)
  • #705
i brought a textbook home from my computer class and forgot to bring it back the next day. the teacher made everyone look in their backpacks to see if they had it :T

have you ever found something that you really wanted to show a friend, but then completely forgot about it for a long time?
EX: one time in 5th grade, i found a YT vid that i knew one of my friends would love. i forgot about it until about halfway through 7th grade :T
  • #706
Wow that's very long. And yes, but I usuaaly remember within a week.

Have you ever started singing without you noticing it? (And then people coming up to you to ask what you're singing and you're clueless. :p)
  • #707
No. Time is not of the essence for me.
Have you ever completed Fire Emblem fates on permadeath without losing any unit?
  • #708
Yes i have
Have you ever felt like you just wanna punch someone but never done it? i know i have.
  • #709
Those are two questions. Have I ever felt like punching someone? Seldom, but yes. Have I punched someone? Yes. In the face. As hard as I could. No regrets.

Have you ever had caviar?
  • #710
No, but I certainly wouldn't mind trying i've heard good things.

Have you ever done a backflip?
  • #711

Have you ever done something stupid, knowing that is was stupid, then did it anyway?
  • #712
More times than I can count... and I can count high... (the backflip being one of them)

Have you ever felt regret for doing something then did it again anyway?
  • #713
I don't think so, no. Not that I can remember, anyways.

Have you ever played your 3DS until the battery died without realizing it?
  • #714
All the time.

Have you ever tried going online only to find out your connection was lost?
  • #715
Who hasn't? Yes.

Have you ever read two books at the same time?
  • #716
Yes, it didn't end well couldn't remember a thing.

Have you ever fallen off the monkey bars?
  • #717
Yes. Fallen through them too. And over them. I have a talent for falling. :p

Have you ever hugged a stranger?
  • #718
No... (I hope you didn't do that :D)

Have you ever lived on the wrong time for ages because the clocks changed? I do it all the time :)
  • #719
Was that a pun? Also, nope

Have you ever run out of have you ever questions?
  • #720
No, but I do run out of toilet role a lot

Have you ever seen this before?
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