Have you ever...

  • Thread starter Marc
  • Start date
  • #101

Have you tried to drive a car without a license?
  • #102
No, but I know one of my friends have. It didn't turn out too well for him. He didn't get in a car crash (thankfully) but his parents caught him.

Have you ever eaten something off the floor?
  • #103
Yes! 5 seconds rule! ;)

Have you ever cried while hearing a song or watching a move/TV show?
  • #104
I cried when I listened to Oogway Ascends from the Kung Fu Panda soundtrack.
  • #105
Combo Breaker... Where's the next have you ever question?
  • #106
I'll continue...

Have you ever wanted to purchase something with your own money but your parents refused to let you buy it?
  • #107
Yeah, my parents told me to stop drinking Mountain Dew. It hurt my feelings. I love Mountain Dew.

Have you ever hid behind a door to scare someone, then left because they took too long?
  • #108
Haha yes... well not exactly behind a door, but I did leave because they were taking too long. Plus hiding for a long time makes me want to go pee for some reason.

Have you ever done more than 20 push-ups in one go?
  • #109

Have you ever backed a Kickstarter game?
  • #110

Have you ever been on TV?
  • #111
Yes, actually; several years ago. Not introduced as 'the best rocker of the 21st century' exactly (though eventually I will) - it was rather low-key really. This old political hag came along to make a speech and my dad insisted on taking me there like I care. She put a garland some other political fans gave her around my head since I was the only kid there. My friends later told me they'd seen it on TV.

Have you ever been on the radio?
  • #112

Have you ever stirred a drink with a straw, but you couldn't because there was ice?
  • #113

Have you ever cried?
  • #114
Yes, but not recently. :/

Have you ever been on vacation for more than a month?
  • #115
Nope, my longest was 10 days :|

Have you ever dozed off, but later realized you were staring at someone?
  • #116
I can't say that I have...

Have you ever done something nice for someone, and they didn't even thank you?
  • #117

Have you ever wanted to go back in time?
  • #118
Yes, growing up adds more responsibility :oops:

Have you ever sleep while standing?:D
  • #119
YES !!! i was soooooooo tired i was woken up in the middle of the night by my dad - pilot - because i didn't do the kitchen properly :p the whole thing - dishwasher - counters - pots - and a lot others and i forgot one of them and i had to also wash a pot again cause i didn't wash it properly - so i kept dozing off whist standing :p

Have you ever been bucked off a 1.7 ish feet horse whist trying to get it to canter ?
  • #120

Have u ever licked a metal pole when it was snowing