Nintendo 3DS Legend
Towns Folk
I think this would be a good game. But I don't think it would work very well. Mario maker was easy to do, it's 2d/3rd person where Mario kart is 3d/first person. Each level is a bit too complicated. I think it might be good as an add-on or something, but for a full game, it might be a bit much. The mechanics used in each level is a bit complicated whereas in mario it's all pretty simple and easy to understand for all ages.
It is a great idea though, it just would be really hard to execute. As someone who makes games myself, making a game like Mario kart maker would be really difficult. It would need ways of catching bugs and telling the user without confusing them and ways of making the terrain easy to design without much thought so it appeals to the younger users (As with mario maker) There would be too many 'trolling' levels and just really badly designed levels. Sure, there would be quite a few really good levels that someone has worked on for ages, but you'd get that on any level creation game.
It is a great idea though, it just would be really hard to execute. As someone who makes games myself, making a game like Mario kart maker would be really difficult. It would need ways of catching bugs and telling the user without confusing them and ways of making the terrain easy to design without much thought so it appeals to the younger users (As with mario maker) There would be too many 'trolling' levels and just really badly designed levels. Sure, there would be quite a few really good levels that someone has worked on for ages, but you'd get that on any level creation game.