Whoa okay I'll go there list...
I had a black guinea pig named Daisy, she was my baby brother's and she was so sweet and loved celery.
Then there was Baby, my black and white bunny who would love to be held and give kisses. She would grab the bars of the cage and rock back and forth to be let out.
I had a series of fish, but they all ate each other and then I had three more named Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup....they committed suicide...they swam into the filters.
Also there was Dusty and Oreo two hamsters that had issues with each other...they were always fighting.
I had a meal worm that I had to release on Christmas Day when it was full grown.
I didn't have this next animal but I often fed him, and it was a stray cat that looked like Grumpy Cat with short fur I named him Blue-Eyes.
My current pet is a Pit bull named Brutus, he loves cheese and follows me everywhere I love him so much
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