How truthful are you on the internet?

  • Thread starter Lovebeat
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  • #21
I don't lie (anymore) about stuff of the internet. That being said I don't deny what other people assume, such as half of this forum thinking I'm a girl. Everyone thought that for a month or two because I never said otherwise.

I don't really get why people are afraid of posting pictures, though. Chances are you've posted a pic of yourself on Facebook and that's just as bad as posting it on a forum or something. Keeping your last name from someone you aren't 100% sure you trust I completely understand, though.
  • #22
To be honest, most people aren't just going to post here and admit that they lie about everything they say, even if some of them do...

I have told a couple lies myself, mostly for selfish reasons. :c
  • #23
I tell the truth mostly. If someone asks me something I don't want to tell them I either flat-out say no or, to be polite, lie so extreme that they'll know not to believe it and'll know I'm being funny. :p
  • #24
I don't tell the truth much...I usually lie about information about myself, since my parents won't let me tell BIG information about myself, such as my address, and what not. There is stuff on my profile page that isn't real lol. I also used a fake email to make an account here though, since my REAL one has a lost password. But anyways, I am not very truthful on the internet :p
  • #25
Well I'm either sarcastic or I'm telling the truth or both. Like saying Marc is the nicest person in the world. I'm like Abe Lincoln without all the poor health/depression (can't you tell?). I might stretch the truth though when I'm not online.
  • #26
I'm 1/3 sarcastic 1/3 liar 1/3 truthful
  • #27
I am 100% truthful unless I am messing with someone.
  • #28
i tell the truth even if it's after one month
  • #29
i am mostly truthful on the internet but when i sign up for a site i usaly dont give real info until i look into it a bit and then i ask a mod to change it, like i did here. btw now it is truthful :p