i have 50 dollars what should i get in the eshop.

  • Thread starter cloudmario666
  • Start date
  • #21
my recomendations
the legends of the dark witch saga (it have 2 games, and both are great) 5 and 5 euros
etrian oddisei untold 10 euros
shin megami tensei devil summoner soul hackers 10 euros
steamworld geist
i put the prices of europe
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Reactions: Shane McMahon
  • #22
Get something like super Mario 3D land or luigi's mansion 2
  • #23
Get something like super Mario 3D land or luigi's mansion 2
no, i dont think it would be a good idea to buy these games
  • #24
Why i love these games
  • #25
Why i love these games
well, super mario 3d world its better and luigi mansion 2 bored me
  • #26
I suppose luigi's mansion dark moon is quit endless but considering its on the 3ds a handheld super Mario 3d land is incredible as it really uses the 3D well especially on the new 3ds and new 3ds xl
  • #27
colors 3d! It is my favorite application so far. However, another game you might like is super smash bros. Also, you could get all three donkey kong countrys. It is a great game, but make sure you buy donkey kong country, not land, because though there a some different missions, it is in black and white and there are no sound effects. Donkey kong maybe old in age, but it never gets old playing it!!! Donkey country 2 and 3 are the best in my opinion though they are all good!
  • #28
I think any of the mario games are excellent choices for you. In my personal view, I bought the 3ds just to play luigi´s mansion dark moon which I guess you´ve already played. If not, I strongly recommend you to get your hands on that game. It is really fun to play, you have plenty of things to discover and watching luigi´s reaction to the different scary situations he has to go through is just pleasant for the eyes.
  • #29
Wait for its release, and get the new Shantae game. (I hear it will be around 29.99$ so you'll have plenty left for other things.)
  • #30
i have all zelda games except hw and nsmb2 and smash 4

For a second I though you meant New Super Mario Bros. 2 was a Zelda game haha
I will make you a list with actual sales

Edit @cloudmario666
League of Heroes $2.49 ($4.99)
Despite of its simplicity, it is fun to play and considering its duration it is a nice price for it.

Rage of the Gladiator $2.99 ($6.99)
If you like Punch Out!, you will like this.

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked $9.99 ($29.99)
Amazing SRPG, but be beware of the difficulty (if you rush it you will get stuck lol)

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers $9.99 ($29.99)
Another good RPG. It may be a little retro but if you ever played a PS1 RPG game (or older) then you are okay.

Animal Crossing: New Leaf $19.99 ($39,99)
Here is one I will buy soon now that is 20 bucks. Lot of content and because of Happy Home Designer, this one is getting an update soon!

And keep the change?
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Reactions: cloudmario666
  • #31
It depends what games your into and what games you have your eye on in the future. If your into games like fire emblem I recommend the game Stella glow. I played the demo a year ago and it is very good it has a good story and amazing gameplay to along with it. If your into rhythm games I recommend Rhythm heaven Megamix or harmonight. If those kind of games aren't your thing it's best to save it for the future. You might never know what Nintendo would come up with......... Nintendo is full of surprises.
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Reactions: Kakea
  • #32
easy answer buy your heart out with candy like them skittles twix snicker and all that good stuff