If you could put ANY game on the 3DS, what would it be and why?

  • Thread starter shanic132
  • Start date
  • #21
I don't see this happening any time soon (or at all, for that matter) but I'd really like to see Magician's Quest: Mysterious Times debut as a 3DS game. It was really cute, and I think it had a lot of potential.

I'd also like to see Super Mario World and Super Mario Sunshine on the 3DS. They're among my favourite games, and playing remastered editions would send me right back to my childhood. :)
  • #22
The games and apps that i would download was gonna be Minecraft,Fnaf,Portal 2,Utorrent and Pirate bay,amazonSplatoon,Movie maker(or any other editing device),leauge of legends and OBS (its a program for recording or live streaming).The reasons why i would download minecraft its because its beacouse minecraft is a game about surviving and creativeti. I would download fnaf .I would downlod Portal 2 beacouse its a game all about intelligence and puzzles..I would download Amazon (the app) beacouse it would be preety cool if i orderd stuff online from my 3DS.I would download splatoon for 3DS if i could becouse i like that game.I would download movie maker beacouse i like editing videos.I would download leauge of legends beacouse i like rp.And finally i would download OBS beacouse i want to record my 3DS.

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  • #23
Besides the Mother series, which is okay on the Wii U but something I truly want on the 3ds, I'd enjoy having games like the rest of the Inazuma Eleven series being released in the US Splatoon, even if it was a New 3ds exclusive. Something lively like that. The next Mario Galaxy would be pretty fun to have too.
  • #24
DK 64 3D
  • #25
I would want Wind Waker on 3DS. Even though there is a HD version on Wii U I would still like to see Wind Waker on 3DS. The touch screen and Miiverse would work just like the Wii U version and the graphics would be maybe a bit of a downgraded version of the gamecube one. And maybe updated shading and stuff. I dunno I just want Wind Waker on 3DS. I won't get it if it came out because I have the Wii U version but it would still be cool.
  • #26
To be realistic I would say a few Famicom games (and also add mic features if possible and used). Samurai Pizza Cats for example, Explosive Fighter Patton, Joy Mech Fight as well as the game Prince of Sable appears in and they should be working on that because Smash advertises for it and it sounds like a great GB game that has it's own fan translation.
  • #27
If I could put any game, it would be mortal kombat. The controls would be very smooth. The 3d would be phenomenal on it too. I think it should have all of the mortal kombat characters in the 3d version too. There should also be an online mode if it did come it. I really want to see a mortal kombat game for 3ds to happen but I think that it is very unlikely.
  • #28
I know I've already posted on this thread, but a thought a better game.

Put a Naruto game on the 3DS. Put on a dual version so you can play Shippuden characters and original Naruto characters. Put in a small story-line, then have a online mode. Make easy controls, put cool ninja techniques in, then have a "Compete to how fast you can do seals" thing (Similar to other Naruto games), and you're set. It be awesome.

Technically, there already is a Naruto game on the 3DS, but it's horrible.

You know what would be awesome (But is impossible), put Splatoon on the 3DS. The graphics wouldn't be half as good, half the maps and weapons, no story-mode, and you'd have Splatoon on the 3DS! It wouldn't be as fun as the Wii U one, but it be on the 3DS! Lol, xD.
  • #29
If I were to put a game on the 3ds, it would be a Star Fox game. Krystal, Fox and the rest of the Star Fox team would be up against a being from another dimension, It would also put the relationship of the two foxes to the test (it will all work out in the end.) It would be a mix of Star Fox 64 and Star Fox Adventures.
  • #30
Gen 4 and Gen 5 games. I mean We NEED Gen 4 and 5.


Pokemon Diamond and Pearl

Pokemon Platnium

Pokemon HeartGold SoulSilver


Pokemon Black and White

Pokemon Black and White 2
  • #31

Am I the only one that see's this game being a perfect fit for 3ds? Think of pokemon dream radar that was a taste of what can be done .. utilize the camera the gyro to move the camera, it would boost up consumers because of the fact its pokemon and im sure there are many who want this game and believed it could be done for 3ds .. Plus I believe it be fun ^0^
  • #32

Am I the only one that see's this game being a perfect fit for 3ds? Think of pokemon dream radar that was a taste of what can be done .. utilize the camera the gyro to move the camera, it would boost up consumers because of the fact its pokemon and im sure there are many who want this game and believed it could be done for 3ds .. Plus I believe it be fun ^0^
Now that sounds like a great idea! They already made the Denpa Men series which uses the same technology so it certainly is possible. Catching pokémon in virtual reality sounds pretty awesome... Let's use puppy eyes on Nintendo.
  • #33
A new Call of Duty game. Perhaps a spin-off of the recently released titles like Advanced Warfare or Ghost. Heck, maybe Black Ops III in the near future. If not on the 3DS than on the New 3DS. And it needs to be made by the developers of the game itself and not N-Space. Surely, the 3DS/New 3DS is capable of having better graphics than the previous DS CoD games. And the addition of the Circle Pad Pro/C-Stick would make the aiming better. I mean, look at Ironfall.
  • #34
I'd love to see a couple of games on the 3DS that I doubt anyone else would buy:

  • Gex 2/3 - I mean, as a kid this game was awesome, each level being a different genre of TV, although it's pretty irrelevant at this day and age.
  • No More Heroes - The 3DS could definitely do with some adult-oriented games, and seriously, No More Heroes was awesome. I'd even go out right no to get SSB if they made a Travis Touchdown DLC.
  • Conker's Bad Fur Day - Well, this is what would happen if you mixed Gex's platforming with NMH's crude language, and seriously, the silliness of this game makes it perfect.
  • Fragile Dreams - This game had a really great story, and it was one of the very few games to aactually make me sad while playing it, and I would love to see this released on a portable console so I can play it while on the go.
Again, these are just choices from personal preference, and it's pretty impossible for any of these games to come out on the 3DS, but, it never hurts to dream.
  • #35
I'd say Tales of symphonia because it my favourite Tales game or pikmin because pikmin is begging for a remake :confused: maybe one day....
  • #36
As some said above, No More Heroes and Pokemon Snap would be great ideas. I would also love to see a Pokemon game like XD / Colosseum. Finally, KH3 and FF12 Duology / 15 / Reishiki (type-0), as I don't want to pay for a PS4 just for 4 games.