Lime Pawpaw
Towns Folk
Your dreams are so nice and simple!
Mine are always rather complicated. This night for example, I had a rather special one. I remember a whole lot of it, so I'll just write it down chronologically;
...and then I woke up. You dream about drumming, I dream about a murder mystery in a dystopian fantasy world. I envy you. Way less confusing when you wake up. I had an idiotically high heart-rate and my first thought was: "How to calm down a pregnant woman with a gun?"I dreamt I was at some sort of hospital/comic shop (my mind doesn't for logic when I sleep) in the basement, ditching a body. This man is still alive but paralysed by a sedative and supposedly I had hurt him (physically) quite badly too, and I have two minutes to get out of the building before he's fully motile again and will try to kill me. But he was supposed to hate me. So I was running like hell, trough some huge building. Outside it looked like a less cold version of Moscow. Grey sky. Dirty red brick buildings.
The guy is a friend, his son had been murdered a while back and he was looking for revenge. We hadn't been friends for a very long time but we were quite close. I helped him looking for the monster. I knew that if he found the monster that killed his son while he was in the hospital he'd kill it. I couldn't let that happen since he had a very young daughter (blond, about two years old) and a pregnant wife (who was carrying a baby for a friend of hers (no, it's not her own child) and going trough a lot of stress) and murder would end him up in jail.
The monster that killed his son was a literal monster, it was a world where some people had special powers but they were regarded as monsters because they had a taste for blood and destruction, even though they still had human intelligence and (roughly) human appearance. I had figured out where the murderer lived (some island in the bay of the city) but I decided to act like I was the murderer and betray my friend to spare his family. I thought he wouldn't kill me after all we'd been trough, but at least he'd stop searching. He would probably send me to the police and I would end up in jail. So I acted like I disliked him but acted like I was his friend to protect myself. (Method acting in a dream) Then planted bits of evidence everywhere. I even made claw marks on some places with fake claws. (All this info in one flashback while I was running)
My dream ended with my friend believing my act (sometime after the running, perhaps an hour maybe a week) and he confronted me in his home (no idea how I got there) (wife and daughter were there too) so I acted as if I was proud of the killing but instead of being just heartbroken (he was really hurt though) and calling the police he got a gun out of nowhere and pointed it at my face. Miraculously I got outside and ran like hell, my friend chasing me. Two military-looking guys chased after me as well and stopped me because of my pale sweater (which was supposedly connected to the rebels; the country was a dictatorship) but I managed to talk myself out. (Told them my blue sweater had holes in it.) My friend sort of calmed down and invited me in again. I told him it wasn't real at all, that I knew where the real murderer lived and that I had faked being the monster because he was becoming a monster himself and that I couldn't let him destroy his life as well of that of his daughter and wife. He was rather p***ed. I told him the address and details of the murderer and told him to act as he seemed fit, then he sent me out. He is standing in the doorway, then his wife comes at his back with a gun, so I yell "Duck!" and he literally dodges a bullet. Then his wife is out of bullets and she starts (very emotionally) explaining that he is the only real monster in her eyes and that my speech (or something) made her realise that. (Woops!)
That... that is brilliant

Most of my dreams aren't simple tho, although the ones I've had the last few days have been.
Like one time I dreamt I dug a kid out of a shark's stomach and gave him CPR and he started deflating until he was so small I could compress his chest with just one finger.

My favourite detailed dream is that I was on a plane and AC/DC were sitting at a round table (a table in a plane wth) just a short distance away and were singing 'Shoot to Thrill' and I wanted to get their attention so I started singing along and they laughed and invited me to the side of the stage for their next show, which was in Afghanistan on a giant rickety wooden skyscraper-height stage and I was sure it'd collapse and we'd all die. Then I asked Angus Young what bands he liked and he gave me a Beatles compilation album.
I started listening to the Beatles after that

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