And also to everyone, the code is still for sale! Don't miss out!!!
Dark Link
The Forgotten Soul
Towns Folk
I just sent it to you
*secretly has a crush on Marina
Towns Folk
K. I'll try it right now!
*secretly has a crush on Marina
Towns Folk
It didn't work.. Dang.
Dark Link
The Forgotten Soul
Towns Folk
Are you sure
*secretly has a crush on Marina
Towns Folk
Yeah. sorry man. But. do you want free pc?
*secretly has a crush on Marina
Towns Folk
I'll send you some to welcome you to NintenPedia!
Dark Link
The Forgotten Soul
Towns Folk
Well thank a since it didn't work I'll follow you
*secretly has a crush on Marina
Towns Folk
kk. And also I'm sending you the free pc now. Enjoy!!!
*secretly has a crush on Marina
Towns Folk
BTW Have you ever played the game Hello Neighbor?
Dark Link
The Forgotten Soul
Towns Folk
Wow thank you so much I know this can be used for eshop cards but is that all
You use them for
*secretly has a crush on Marina
Towns Folk
If you want, I can tell you how to get the Pre-Alpha and Alpha 1 versions of the game.
Dark Link
The Forgotten Soul
Towns Folk
Hello neighbor? Never heard of it
*secretly has a crush on Marina
Towns Folk
No problem!
Dark Link
The Forgotten Soul
Towns Folk
Alpha is that for 3ds?
*secretly has a crush on Marina
Towns Folk
Hello Neighbor is pretty much a Stealth Horror game about you sneaking into your neighbor's house to find out what he is hiding in his creepy basement!