Marc Puns!

  • Thread starter 3905
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  • #121
Shake those marcacas!
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Reactions: Danominator
  • #122
im on time
so dont marc me tardy
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  • #123
  • #124
marc that pun on twitter
  • #125
I'm no marcsman, but I'll take a SHOT at this thread.
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  • #126
Karl Marcs came up with the marcsist theory that society is actually based on the various inequalities that are present amongst the working class adn upper class.
  • #127
Maybe I should get some Marcarons from the bakery store.
  • #128
Why did the archer come back to NintenPedia?

He missed the Marc.

Aha! Miyaka was the archer all along! ;D
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  • #129
X marcs the spot!
  • #130
just realized that was said.


I'm not creative enough for this. If I don't stop the judges will give me bad marcs.
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  • #131
Speaking of judges, I'm reminded of someone who often says "remarcable".
  • #132
I always hated when telemarcaters called our home. It's so annoying to pick up the phone just to realize it's somebody trying to sell you some stupid product.
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  • #133
I always hated when telemarcaters called our home. It's so annoying to pick up the phone just to realize it's somebody trying to sell you some stupid product.
Ooh, that's a new one! Marc it down in the records for me, will ya?
  • #135
Have any of you guys been to the country called Denmarc?
I haven't yet, but I did visit a country where Merlion is part of the landmarc.
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  • #136
I sure a,m hungry for some Marcaroni and cheese. :p
  • #137
Maybe I should write some of my wishlists with my marcer.
  • #138
Can we marc these jokes as we use them

Edit: Just realized thats my 3rd joke in a row about marcing something down
Edit2: Make it my 4th
  • #139
Maybe I should go to the supermarcet sometime.
  • #140
The amount of puns on this page is unremarcable