Minecraft 3DS?

  • Thread starter Bagel
  • Start date

Do You Think It Will Happen?

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  • #21
I mean, we already have Cube Creator 3D, but I don't see why it wouldn't happen. Minecraft is a very popular game, so of course Nintendo wanna get in on dat cash YO! But they may just release it on the N3DS... Rip. On a serious note though, it could definitely be possible, though the controls may be... A little out there. It may be hard to do PvP as well. As @EpicGamerPlus said, we could do some really awesome things with the 3DS's 3D feature. If this happens, I would love to see servers work on the 3DS, it would be awesome to see those kinds of things on a device such as a 3DS.
  • #22
A PC from the NASA can barely run Minecraft... Imagine the 3DS, that gets laggy if there are more than 5 Pokémon at the same time in the screen.

We have Cube Creator tho (is not really that good imo)
Minecraft barely runs on a PC from the NASA yeah (well, exaggerating but still yeah :p) but only because it was written in Java. You can see Minetest running on my netbook and Cube Creator running on the 3DS. And they are not the real Minecraft yeah, but the fact they run show that Minecraft could too if it was written properly in a language that isn't a bottleneck.

(sorry for the necroquote, didn't see that post before the thread gets bumped :p)
  • #23
I think it would be awesome!
  • #24
There's no Minecraft for the 3DS. But there is spin-offs of it. Like Cube Creator and Battleminer. I bought both games and tried them out and they are both just as good as Minecraft, if not better. In fact, I bet they probably used some of the code from Minecraft itself. But here's the thing. If Minecraft EVER comes to the 3DS itself, I want ROBLOX there too.
  • #25
well they do have minecraft for wii u, so thats cool but minecraft on 3ds is unlikely but maybe on the new 3ds xl. minecraft on the og 3ds will be hard to control and ugly. but maybe on the new 3ds xl it might look better and the controls will be spot on with the c-stick but i think nintendo i done with minecraft for
It Seems Possible. With Wii U Getting Minecraft I think that 3ds Could Have A Chance but I think it might not be possible. My Reason Why is that the limitations of the 3Ds Might Just Be The Bane Of Minecraft 3ds. But, If it could be possible it could have exclusive features like the bottom screen being a Map if you have a map, Exclusive Texture Pack, Exclusive Skins, etc. It Could be its own version, Like MINECRAFT: 3DS Edition.
Those Are my thoughts on this. What are yours?
  • #26
I'm not sure, although I sorta like the idea of it, playing it on 3ds. Just not sure how it'd work on it, y'know?
I mean, Wii U's controls for it took some getting used to, and Minecraft PE's as well, what with holding your taps, or rapid tapping to attack, or press a button. Camera would be sorta tricky, too. Not sure what button would be used to toggle it. ;-; And saved worlds would be a pain, especially if you're the type who likes doing massive block art on Minecraft. You'd, like, have to have a brand spanking new SD card to save stuff like that, and who knows how long it'd last.

Despite all that, I still think it could happen if kinks like that were straighten out, or some really good plan was formed to compensate it.
  • #27
yeah exacly
  • #28
Well, we have Terraria, Cube Creator 3D, and probably some other spin-off game. Minecraft Wii U WILL have a learning curve, and so does Minecraft PE.Plus, Cube Creator 3D is heavily designed off Minecraft.(Even has it's own Nether I think!) I don't think we'll be seeing Minecraft on the 3ds anytime soon sadly.
  • #29
Minecraft for me got a bit boring on console as I never play the vanilla version on the PC. I always play with modpacks (mainly RR ones as I have "Special ties" with the RR team Can't say anymore then that xD)

Unless they add modpack or modification support to console versions or with a 3ds version then I'm not playing it. Especially if they keep up the 'Pay for all the add on packs on consoles, but pc gets everything free!' It's stupid and unfair for console players.