Most Competitive 3DS Game~!

  • Thread starter Flarence
  • Start date
  • #21
I think it's mk7 and pokemon ORAS! :)
  • #22
Mario kart 7
Those blue shells ruin friendships...
  • #23

  • #24
Well I have to say that Super Smash Bros is the most competitive of them all as well as Pokemon X and Y or Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire . They really define its definition ! but before they even came out as yet Kid Icarus : Uprising and Mario Kart 7 were the most .I have Kid Icarus and it is the most competitive of games i have ever played . Gonna get smash soon though........:sorry:
  • #25
Definitely Super Smash Bros. 4 3DS, and then Pokemon X/Y and OR/AS come a close second. Both games are very complex games, and the outcome is determined by your skill level, effort, strategy and understanding. SSB4, for example revolves around the strengths of your character and weakness of you enemies, whereas Pokemon is about predicts, movesets, IV's, and type matchups.
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  • #26
I saw this thread and was like " Wow! These guys appreciate the older games on 3DS!" Then I saw the date of the posts and was like " Oh well. " :) But times have changed. Pokémon ORAS and Super Smash Bros for 3DS are definitely the most competitive games on the handheld. No question about it.
  • #27
I would think the most competitive 3ds games would be shoot em ups and platforming race games because they give different strategies of attacking or solving a puzzle in a race.:writing:
  • #28
Smash bros. Hands down one of the most competitive Nintendo titles of all time. Although the new one may not be the best, it definitely is one of the most competitive.
  • #29
Smash is super competitive! Arguably the most competitive... yet MK7 is very close to beating it! Nintendo is finally embracing more competitive multiplayer in their games! (thank goodness!)
  • #30
I'd say it's a tie between Pokemon and Smash probably? I don't play them, well I play pokemon but not in competitive play, but from I've seen those two are pretty much in the top for competition.
  • #31
Mario Kart 7, simply because each time someone gets blue shelled and then overtaken by everyone else, the competitiveness just keeps on increasing and its so much fun to try and beat your friends and come first
  • #32
-Pokemon X/Y/OR/AS are the most competitive now.

-Mario Kart 7 was insanely competitive but the community died out when Mario Kart 8 came along and ruined everything

-Smash is number 3 but no one plays competitively on 3DS unless they sad
  • #33
Tell me forum, what 3DS game do you find to be the most competitive in terms of multiplayer? Why do you play that game? Tell it all here! =D
No contest. It's definatly smash bros. the reason why I play is because it's fun and addicting. The game brings people closer and further apart as they dominate to fight for the win and fight for glory. SETTLE IT IN SMASH!
  • #34
I think Mario Kart 7/8 is one of the competitive multiplayer games for Nintendo. The game ruins friendships, in a way #IYKWIM.
  • #35
Smash 4 is extremely competitive if everyone really knows what they're doing. Mario kart gets really intense as well, and doesn't lag nearly as much as smash does online, which ends up making it feel a bit more competitive. Non-lag smash wins for me though.
  • #36
I would definitely say Smash Bros.....but I have been trying to get Nintendo to make a Metroid Battle Arena and I think that would take the cake......have posted my idea on a few sites in hopes that it might be read by some big wigs in Nintendo and produced....but still waiting.
  • #37
I thikn Pokemon X/Y or Omega/Alpha has to be the mostcompetitive game on the 3DS. You have ot breed for IV's and train forever for EV's and then create a team that covers all the checks and then make moves for each Pokemon plus their ability!! How is it not the most competitive game? And Marc is hosting a tourney for it and there is even "Pokemon Gyms" here.
  • #38
Pokemon X/Y is the most competitive, :sneaky:

Everybody just has that game. :panda:
  • #39
I would have to say Super Smash Bros, and Pokemon ORAS. Super Smash Bros because there are very good players on the online play. Pokemon ORAS because there is a lot of MEGAS, Legendaries, 721 Pokemon to choose from. That is awesome! I give lots and lots of kudos Nintendo. You make a lot of great games. Keep up the great work Nintendo.