Nintendo 3DS Legend
Towns Folk
Hmm, this isn't embrassing but I forgot to catch some spare pokemon in a Nuzlocke and went to challenge the rock gym leader. But then I lost and wasn't even close to winning, and the only pokemon in my box was an Abra and a Whismur
There were basically nothing in the area to work with, the Whismur cave and some Swellows and whatnot. They were all at a really low level and I already caught the abra in the area so I couldn't catch another mon. So I had to train my Whismur and Abra by sending out Abra first and then switching against really low levels. It was horrible D: (FireRed) But then my Abra finally evolved into a Kadabra and I was so proud 
Also, my friend used his masterball on a pidgey because he thought it was special. xD

Also, my friend used his masterball on a pidgey because he thought it was special. xD