most unexpected character in smash

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PineappleDoggo <3
Towns Folk
I know I know BUUUUT there was a lot of unexpected characters that made it into smash and then it brings up a question in my head what was the most unexpected character that came into smash. was it the fit wii fit trainer, was it the average and normal villager, was it the charming and smash robin, was it the almost complete clone of marth Lucina or was it the old timer with the n zapper duck hunt so who was the character that you did not expected for smash ps. dlc counts
  • His game was never released on ANY Nintendo Console
  • Barely anyone heard of him when they announced him
  • He's actually really good though so I'll give him that.
  • I question Nintendo's relations with Square Enix for this one...
I didn't mention a name, but an image popped right in your head, didn't he? :3
Was surprised to the head when they showed Cloud in the November Direct, but he's a really great character so I don't mind him being in xD
so corrin is your dad
I DONT KNOW I just in that kind of mode I am a random person
I DONT KNOW I just in that kind of mode I am a random person
Whale den.
I don't think any other characters came as a real surprise to me...considering most of them were leaked >.>
so is corrin your dad and peach is your mom
  • #10
I'm going with Wii Fit Trainer. Yes, WFT always had a better chance than Cloud, but literally no one EVER said WFT will be in Smash whereas people had been hoping for Cloud for a while (even if they didn't expect it to happen)
  • #11
Bayonetta in Super Smash Bros. was a surprise for me. I would have never expect her to show up in the game let alone win the Smash Ballot. And with her suggestive nature and game being filled with blood and gore, I didn't think Nintendo would go through with it anyway and actually bring back another vet.
  • #12
WII FIT TRAINER WIII FITTT TRAINERRR. I think WIII FIIIT TTRAINRR always had a less of a chance then Cloud. Cloud had a chance because Square Einx had a bit of a relationship with Nintendo like in Super Mario RPG and a Geno appearence in Superstar Saga and Square Einx made the story mode stages in Smash bros brawl. But WIII FITTT TRAINERR isn't a fighter like Villager and Duck Hunt
  • #13


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  • #14
actually mario is expected to be in every smash game considering HE IS NINTENDO'S MASCOT! Why Would He Be Left Out? Leaving Him Out Isn't A Option for Nintendo, and it would just have that missing spot to it.
  • #15
Duck hunt... Why is he in the game. Most people I face who play it are trolls so that makes it even worse :/

Bayonetta was a surprise too. I hadn't even heard of her till she came in Smash. Call me a noob if you want...but I still think there were better choices for the final 2 DLC characters.

Speaking of that i think there's too many Fire Emblem characters now.
  • #16

And she fits perfectly, from a legendary game from legendary game developers.
  • #17
Duck hunt... Why is he in the game. Most people I face who play it are trolls so that makes it even worse :/

Bayonetta was a surprise too. I hadn't even heard of her till she came in Smash. Call me a noob if you want...but I still think there were better choices for the final 2 DLC characters.

Speaking of that i think there's too many Fire Emblem characters now.
too many fire emblem characters? say the same thing again, but this time to the mario characters ok? (the mario series has the most characters)
  • #18
I think that for me, the most unexpected character would be Bayonetta. I've heard of a few speculations and just random thoughts of her being in Smash but I kinda feel bad for always going to say that she'll never be in Smash because her games were M-rated. It's still baffling a bit :p
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  • #19
too many fire emblem characters? say the same thing again, but this time to the mario characters ok? (the mario series has the most characters)
Thats true, but Mario is much more well known than Fire Emblem. I think they couldve done with less of the Mario characters, but you know nintendo.

Just be thankful they havent started including the other 700 pokemon yet.
  • #20
To me, It would have to be bayonetta. She didn't even come across my mind as a valid character for smash when I filled out the ballot.