most unexpected character in smash

  • Thread starter freezebot
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  • #21
I was surprised when Mega man came in, and I laughed when I saw duck hunt. But the player who surprised me the most was probably Bayonetta. (I've played both her games and I enjoyed the idea.)
  • #22
Duck hunt dog was a big surprise for me. This is his/her first appearance in years. I would have gone with Shulk for this one, because if you knew about Shulk before this game, you are officially Japanese, an otaku or a weeaboo, but Duck hunt duo? I did not see that coming, tbh.
  • #23
...Or you just saw a game called "Xenoblades" in a videogame shop and it had good reviews so you bought it.
  • #24
Nrgh... This is tough.

I'd say Bayo. I don't like her ( But she became one of my mains >.< ) but that isn't the reason. She came from an M game ( Snake did too, but still. ) And she had an inappropriate design. ( Never seen it, but I think that's good. ) I just really didn't expect her with all that going for her >.>
  • #25
Duck Hunt... like... by far, I never expected him

  • His game was never released on ANY Nintendo Console
  • Barely anyone heard of him when they announced him
  • He's actually really good though so I'll give him that.
  • I question Nintendo's relations with Square Enix for this one...
I didn't mention a name, but an image popped right in your head, didn't he? :3

Well, so far, Sakurai cares the most about "Videogame Icons" more than "Relations with Nintendo"

  • I question Nintendo's relations with Square Enix for this one...
What about releasing FF I - VI in Nintendo consoles and the recent huge hit "Bravely Default" and "Bravely Second"... and the inclusion of Cloud in Sm4sh... looks like a bright future for Nintendo x Square Enix
  • #26
Mario... I had no idea that he was going to be in sm4sh. That surprised me alot
  • #27
...Or you just saw a game called "Xenoblades" in a videogame shop and it had good reviews so you bought it.
  • #28
Mario... I had no idea that he was going to be in sm4sh. That surprised me alot
Honestly, you should have expected him. He's the face of Nintendo and has appeared in every smash bros game before it and he is in the top left box almost (if not every) time (this usually means that he was the first character to be put into the game), so he was always going to be in it.
  • #29
Honestly, it seems a little strange to me that they would add R.O.B. in the first place.
He was pretty much a toy that was supposed to move spinning tops to help you in you in an old game:

I know he showed in other games like Mario Kart DS surprisingly, but a game like Super Smash Bros.?
It seems a bit weird to me. I think he's a cool character and all, but it's just kind of odd that he would be considered.
  • #30
leviathinian I know right
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  • #31
Bayonetta was unexpected for me. I didn't even know who she was. I don't even know what type of game Bayonetta is in, which I'm guessing is an action game. In Brawl I'd say Sonic was pretty unexpected because there's never been 3rd party characters in Smash. Marth, Roy and Lucas were kinda unexpected too because I didn't even know who they were. I've never heard of strategy RPGs before Fire Emblem.
  • #32
those wario ones are crazy
  • #33
I never expected Sonic, Mewtwo, Bayonetta (smash4), and Captain Falcon in smash brawl until I realized he was in older smash games. Duck Hunt was also a surprise, like Olimar. I couldn't believe Nintendo added Pacman as well! Ryu as well. I never expected these characters, knowing Nintendo. It's amazing how Nintendo can still surprise some people, me especially. That's why Nintendo is my favorite company.
  • #34
I would say Bayonetta, as she was in a game that not a ton of people played. Also she is only one of few characters in smash bros that came from M rates games(snake and Ryu are the only others I can think of right now).
  • #35
Honestly, Im shocked olimar even made it into smash. He's pretty lame, he doesn't look very cool, and his moves kinda suck. He wasn't improved on much like the other characters either. Im surprised cloud and ryu made it it, because they are so awesome i kinda never expected them to come into smash, but im glad they did because i can use both well.
  • #36
I'd say Bayonetta, but I was surprised from the day Bayonetta 2 was announced for Wii U, since it was rated M.
  • #37
I know I know BUUUUT there was a lot of unexpected characters that made it into smash and then it brings up a question in my head what was the most unexpected character that came into smash. was it the fit wii fit trainer, was it the average and normal villager, was it the charming and smash robin, was it the almost complete clone of marth Lucina or was it the old timer with the n zapper duck hunt so who was the character that you did not expected for smash ps. dlc counts
For me the unexpected character would be cloud because there is not much final fantasy games for 3ds or nintendo in general. Final fantasy is more in Sony playstation.
  • #38
I know I know BUUUUT there was a lot of unexpected characters that made it into smash and then it brings up a question in my head what was the most unexpected character that came into smash. was it the fit wii fit trainer, was it the average and normal villager, was it the charming and smash robin, was it the almost complete clone of marth Lucina or was it the old timer with the n zapper duck hunt so who was the character that you did not expected for smash ps. dlc counts
duck hunt was unexpected big time.
  • #39
Wii fir trainer.
One of the lowest tiers no one expected him/her.
But seriously a exercising moves in a fighting game!?
Come on they can do better (I WANTED IMPA ;-;)
Well I'm that's my opinion. Bye!
  • #40
(>.>) (<.<) (V.V) Im gonna be real for a second... who asked for dog hunt? I think it was random. Same with Pac man and mega man... There was so much hype for these characters but there actually not that good. the trailers like the mega man one makes him look very op and stuff but when you play him its just like any other... I don't think they should make cinematics for the characters because its a bit false advertising i mean look at this cinematic
it looks really epic but then it's just different side attacks ;~;