Name all 721 Pokemon in order?

  • Thread starter CrazyElf
  • Start date
  • #581
569 Garbodor
  • #582
570 Zorua
  • #583
571 Zoroark
  • #584
572 Mincinno
  • #585
573 cinccino
  • #586
574 Gothita
  • #587
575 Gothorita
  • #588
576 gothitelle
  • #589
577. Solosis
  • #590
578 duosion
  • #591
  • #592
#579: Reuniclus
  • #593
#1. Bulbasaur
  • #594
#002: Ivysau- Wait, what? XD
  • #595
hahaha, a year of work... DESTROYED!

#003. Venusaur
  • #596
uh why are you guys starting from the beginning ?

charmander #4
  • #597
No way u can't just do this :/

#005: Charmeleon

#580: Ducklett
  • #598
oo6# charizard

swanna 581#
  • #599
#007: Squirtle :p

#582: Vanillite
  • #600
583 goku