It's over! The winner is
@Amit0603 finding all 5 first. I will now disclose the locations of them all. Looks like you guys couldn't figure out the math one, eh? Here are the locations
"Journey's always begin somewhere. And with every start, there is a first welcome and greeting"
The first welcome thread, which was Flarence's
"Some have fears but you must face them. One fear is math so: what's 9+10?"
Face to a name thread. 9+10 secretly meant look on the 21st page while face was meaning that thread as some have a fear of showing their face as well
"Ninjas use the moon as a guide. They go to it, and wish to show what truly matters"
Refrence to
@rawrrie 's performance in her recent blog
"Some ninjas are required to carry things for some distances. This one must carry the letter Q to the land of free"
In The persona Q confirmed for North America thread.
"Sometimes the greatest place to hide, is in plain sight."
The example photo of what they all look like. A basic one to find