Ocarina of time 3D

  • Thread starter Mikaya
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Towns Folk
the best ever Zelda, recreated in glorious 3D! completely remastered and improved features for the 3DS. I've played it, and it's so much better than the original. Great use of 3D-ness, imo.
I loved this game, it brought back so many memories. :p I wouldn't go on saying it's better than the original though, I'd say they're both as good as each other.
I had never played it (or completed any other Zelda game) when I bought the remake and I hated it. It left a bitter taste in my mouth and I wish I would've opted for Mario Kart 7... o_O
I've played as many of the Zelda games as I can get my hands on... which I'm sorry to say is still far fewer then they've made. Stil Ocarina of Time is my favorite and I regret to say I haven't played this one. I find it hard to believe that it's been substantially improved (how do you improve perfect?). But I'm really anxious to play it! OoT was one of the very few games that IGN gave a perfect 10 across the board back in the day. ;)
Never tried to remake is it as good as it's orgrins? Or possibly even better
Never tried to remake is it as good as it's orgrins? Or possibly even better
The graphics have been redone quite nicely from it's N64 version, add to that, that this game was MADE for 3D. I couldn't bare to turn off the 3D slider while playing this game the entire time. I also love the Master Quest add on, I never got the chance to play that when it was released on the game cube.
The graphics have been redone quite nicely from it's N64 version, add to that, that this game was MADE for 3D. I couldn't bare to turn off the 3D slider while playing this game the entire time. I also love the Master Quest add on, I never got the chance to play that when it was released on the game cube.
Sounds good when I have the chance ill be sure to pick this up.
The graphics have been redone quite nicely from it's N64 version, add to that, that this game was MADE for 3D. I couldn't bare to turn off the 3D slider while playing this game the entire time. I also love the Master Quest add on, I never got the chance to play that when it was released on the game cube.
I totally agree with what you said, although sometimes the 3D does get hard on the eyes so sometimes you just turn it off to relax your eyes, but that's basically the only time I have the 3D turned off. :)
I sold my 3DS shortly after purchasing it, is it worth buying a new one just to play OoT 3D? Ocarina of Time is my all time favorite game.
  • #10
I pretty much bought a 3DS for this game, and though I rather have played it on a bigger screen I enjoyed playing a crisper looking game.
  • #11
Really enjoyed what they did with this. One of the best remasters of a game out there. Maybe it was just me, but the controls felt better even.

Now only if they will do the same with Majora's Mask. I'm tired of all the rumors, I want an official announcement! They have to do it, they just have to.
  • #12
I loved it! I had never played the original, but the 3DS version was great! I had a lot of fun playing this one.
  • #13
I had a lot of fun with this game, but it was pretty hard. Overall though, I really enjoyed the classic story, the enjoyable gameplay, the challenging puzzles, and the memorable soundtrack. The Master Quest mode was an added bonus that made a second playthrough worthwhile.
  • #14
Favourite game ever! (yes I love OoT 64 just as much as OoT 3DS) And now that it has been remastered for the 3DS is just amazing! I've finished the game (and am half way through the master quest!) and the 3D-ness gives the game depth and a whole other dimension, literally! Wonderful game in the first place and even better in 3D! I will forever adore this game and the whole franchise for that fact! (only game I simply hate in the franchise is majora's mask, so as you can imagine, I don't really care if it comes out on 3DS....Probably will still buy it if it does though :p just to make sure that it is as bad as my mind has told me it has ;P)
  • #15
I definitely agree with you on that one zekiebouy, most favouritest game ever! Still haven't gotten around to purchasing the 3ds version, but played the 64 version! Might even get it out again!
While all the zelda stories are pretty compelling, I'd have to say this one tops the charts for me ;)
  • #16
After i bought this game i played a week with "WOW" effect, but after i stuck in one dungeon, "Jabu Jabu Belly", and now I don't know why, because after the cartridge lying on the shelf for two months, I completed game in three days. And it was awesome :3
  • #17
The game (or Quests) used the 3D dungeons/new items to the max and the fun of finding a way to solve the puzzle to get to the next room never ceases to amaze. Heck even the first dungeon in the game had a few puzzles. And the bosses are icing on the cake that are always rematchable so get all the icing you want. Completionists will love this game because finding every Skulltulla and item you can get is also rewarding (Maybe...). Did I mention the graphics are improved?
  • #18
I played the original when I was too young to appreciate it. I actually plan to pick this game up sometime this week.
  • #19
I really loved the 3D version of Ocarina of Time. I feel it is better than the original because the Analog stick on the N64 wasn't as precise as the Circle pad on the 3DS. I loved the addition of Gyroscope controls, and the Master Quest was also a great added feature.
  • #20
I never played the original, but I adored OOT 3D :D.