Old Nintendo Systems?

  • Thread starter Maddie
  • Start date
  • #21
The oldest console that I owned was a Gameboy SP. It was thw first Nintendo console I have played (I think) and it also introduced me to game series such as Mario and Pokemon. Later on, I was introduced to Metroid (Zero Mission) and eventually Zelda (Minish Cap)
  • #22
Does anyone here have any of the old Nintendo consoles?

I have a GameCube which is still hooked up and is sitting right next to my Wii. I've had every other console before that but I don't have them hooked up still and haven't played them in years.

I've also had a GameBoy Color, GameBoy Advance and GameBoy SP as far as hand-helds go but I can't remember where what I did with them. I haven't played them in a while either. I use to play them all the time 'cause I could take them with me wherever I go (like I do with my 3DS). I ought to go looking for them because I know I never got rid of them so they have to be around here some where.

Anyway, what about you? Which consoles did you have and do you still have them? Do you ever play them if you still have them?
I have a gamecube and wii. That's about it.
  • #23
Does anyone here have any of the old Nintendo consoles?

I have a GameCube which is still hooked up and is sitting right next to my Wii. I've had every other console before that but I don't have them hooked up still and haven't played them in years.

I've also had a GameBoy Color, GameBoy Advance and GameBoy SP as far as hand-helds go but I can't remember where what I did with them. I haven't played them in a while either. I use to play them all the time 'cause I could take them with me wherever I go (like I do with my 3DS). I ought to go looking for them because I know I never got rid of them so they have to be around here some where.

Anyway, what about you? Which consoles did you have and do you still have them? Do you ever play them if you still have them?
We also have Gameboy Advance (It's SP, I always mention it as just GB Advance), 2 Gameboy Colors, one not working, and the first Gameboy :)
  • #24
I currently own three vintage Nintendo consoles: An NES, a GBA SP, and a Wii.

The Wii was the first Nintendo console I ever owned, and it was a gift from my brother and his wife a couple years ago.

The NES was a gift from a friend of mine over on another muck. Funny story, I was chatting around in that other forum's chat room, and I just happened to casually mention that I'd always wanted to own an NES, and BAM, guy just up and says he has an extra one, and he'll let me have, for free. Awesome guy.

The GBA SP I got this past November at a garage sale, with three games. Price for it all? 3 bucks. I'm serious. I couldn't say yes fast enough.
Any way, I like all three quite a lot, though my Wii gets the most action, because I have a larger library for it than the other two, but I do plan to acquire more NES and GB/GBC/GBA games in the future.