Pedia's Unofficial 2018 Christmas Event!!

  • Thread starter Shiny
  • Start date


Pretty much dead x.x
Towns Folk
Hi everyone! Welcome to Pedia's Unofficial 2018 Christmas Event! Special thanks to everyone who helped make this event possible! Keep reading to learn more about the event!


So simply, every day from now to December 24, you will be doing daily challenges to earn as many Christmas Cookies, this event's point system, CC for short, (NOT TO BE MISTAKEN FOR MARC'S EVENT POINTS, CANDY CANES, WHICH COINCIDENTALLY WAS ABBREVIATED TO CC AS WELL) as you can! At the end of the event your Christmas Cookies will be exchanged for Play Coins! The more Christmas Cookies you get, the more Play Coins you will receive at the end of the event so you should try to get as many Christmas Cookies as you can! Also, the user with the most Christmas Cookies at the end of the event will receive a $5 US eShop Card!!! If you want the eShop Card you should try to get as many Christmas Cookies as you can!


About this event:

Every day there will be at least 2 challenges. Sometimes there will be 2, and sometimes there may be as many as 5! Each challenge will give you different amounts of Christmas Cookies, depending on how difficult they are. The easier ones will give you less, and the harder ones will give you more! December 24 will have the last challenges, and then on December 31 I will bring out the prizes. Why so long? Because it'll give you more time to complete the rest of the challenges and so then you and I can both enjoy the holidays. Remember that the user with the most Christmas Cookies gets a 5 dollar eShop card! You can complete the challenges on any day you want and get the same amount of CC.


How do you earn Christmas Cookies?

All you have to do is complete the daily challenges! Below are the challenges! Click on the spoilers box to see each day's challenges! When you complete a challenge, reply to this thread using this format as proof so I know you did it:

Proof: [Add any sort of proof here. If the challenge needs you to write something, add that here. If the challenge needs you to add an avatar or something, just write "DONE" here. If the challenge needs you to draw a picture or take a picture or something, add that here. If it requires you to PM me something, like a puzzle answer, just write "DONE" here. If it requires you to post something on a different thread, just write "DONE" here.]

Here is an example if you do not know what I mean... this example shows every challenge from December 1.
Challenge Name: December 1.1
Proof: Happy December!

Challenge Name: December 1.2
Proof: I changed my avatar

Challenge Name: December 1.3

Challenge Name: December 1.4
Proof: PM'ed!

Please use this formatting or I will not add your points. USE IT FOR EVERY SINGLE CHALLENGE. EVERY SINGLE ONE. Then after I verify your proof I will add your points to the list of how many points everyone has, which is just under the challenges list. Keep a look at that to see how many points you and others have! Then you know how many more you need to pass the next person!

Also on each challenge I will write who has finished it! If you forget if you did a challenge, just look for your name!


This list of challenges will be updated every day at 10PM PST with new challenges. Keep checking back everyday to see what the day's challenges are. Once you have completed a challenge I will write your username beside the challenge so you know that you already did it. I hope you all have fun and I wish you all the best of luck!



Challenge name: December 1.1

What to do: Say Happy December!

Reward: 1 Christmas Cookie

Finished: Samster, Sammybam88, Artisan, Roxra, MasterofBasics, P2.0, 3dscollector, eonia, Aura Knight, Zukrad, Whovian#1, FuntimeFoxy, AricAttacj

Challenge name: December 1.2

What to do: Have a Christmas-themed Avatar

Reward: 2 Christmas Cookies

Finished: Samster, Artisan, Sammybam88, Roxra, MasterofBasics, 3dscollector, P2.0, eonia, Aura Knight, Zukrad, Whovian, FuntimeFoxy, AricAttack

Challenge name: December 1.3

What to do: Draw a Nintendo Switch (digital or pencil+paper) ((ADD YOUR USERNAME IN THE DRAWING SOMEWHERE!!))

Reward: 3 Christmas Cookies

Finished: Samster, Artisan, Sammybam88, Roxra, MasterofBasics, 3dscollector, eonia, P2.0, Aura Knight, FuntimeFoxy, AricAtack

Challenge name: December 1.4

What to do: PM me saying "Ho-ho-ho!"

Reward: 1 Christmas Cookie

Finished: Samster, Artisan, Sammybam88, Roxra, MasterofBasics, P2.0, 3dscollector, eonia, Aura Knight, FuntimeFoxy, AricAtack

Challenge Name: December 2.1

What to Do: Draw a snowman (username in the drawing!)

Reward: 2 CC

Finished: Samster, eonia, Roxra, Sammybam88, Artisan, MasterofBasics, 3dscollector, P2.0, Aura Knight, FuntimeFoxy, AricAttsck

Challenge Name: December 2.2

What to Do: Take a picture of a Nintendo Console (username in picture please)

Reward: 3 CC

Finished: Samster, Roxra, Sammybam88, Artisan, 3dscollector, P2.0, Aura Knight, eonia, MasterofBasics, FuntimeFoxy, AricAttsck

Challenge Name: December 2.3

What to Do: Find a picture of a Christmas Eevee online!

Reward: 1 CC

Finished: Samster, Roxra, Sammybam88, Artisan, MasterofBasics, 3dscollector, P2.0, Aura Knight, Zukrad, eonia, Whovian, FuntimeFoxy, AricAttsck

Challenge Name: December 2.4

What to do: Tell me what your favorite Christmas movie is!

Reward: 1 CC

Finished: Samster, eonia, Roxra, Sammybam88, MasterofBasics, Artisan, 3dscollector, P2.0, Aura Knight, Zukrad, Whovian, FuntimeFoxy, AricAttack

Challenge Name: December 2.5

What to do: Do 25 pushups (I'll have to take your word for this. Please actually do it. You still need to add the proof for this by just saying you did it.)

Reward: 3 CC

Finished: Samster, eonia, Roxra, MasterofBasics, Sammybam88, Artisan, P2.0, 3dscollector, Aura Knight, Zukrad, FuntimeFoxy, AricAttack

Challenge Name: December 2.6

What to do: Tell @AricAttack in his profile page happy birthday!

Reward: 1 CC

Finished: Samster, P2.0, eonia, Roxra, MasterofBasics, Sammybam88, Artisan, 3dscollector, Aura Knight, Zukrad, FuntimeFoxy

Challenge Name: December 3.1

What to do: Take a picture of a stuffed animal (username in pic!)

Reward: 2 CC

Finished: Aura Knight, Artisan, eonia, Samster, 3dscollector, Roxra, MasterofBasics, P2.0, FuntimeFoxy

Challenge Name: December 3.2

What to do: PM me the answer to this question... What is the biggest pokemon? (still use the format for proof. Its ok if the answer is wrong.)

Reward: 2 CC

Finished: Aura Knight, Zukrad, Artisan, eonia, Samster, 3dscollector, Roxra, MasterofBasics, P2.0, sammybam88, Funtimezfoxy

Challenge Name: December 4.1

What to do: Tell me your favorite Nintendo console and why. (in this thread)

Reward: 1 CC

Finished: Whovian, eonia, Artisan, Starry Windy, 3dscollector, Samster, Roxra, Aura Knight, P2.0, MasterofBasics, FuntimeFoxy

Challenge Name: December 4.2

What to do: Take a picture of a Nintendo game (username in pic)

Reward: 2 CC

Finished: eonia, Artisan, 3dscollector, Samster, Roxra, Aura Knight, P2.0, FuntimeFoxy

Challenge Name: December 4.3

What to do: Tell me ideas for new challenges for this. (in this thread)

Reward: 2 CC

Finished: Whovian, eonia, Artisan, 3dscollector, Samster, Roxra, Aura Knight, Sammybam88, p2.0, masterofbasics, FuntimeFoxy

Challenge Name: December 5.1

What to do: Tell me your favorite Christmas Song (with link to it)

Reward: 1 CC

Finished: Samster, Aura Knight, eonia, Whovian#1, 3dscollector, Roxra, Artisan, MasterofBasics, FuntimeFoxy, P2.0

Challenge Name: December 5.2

What to do: Do as many pushups as you can until you are too tired. (tell me how many you did)

Reward: 2 CC

Finished: Samster, Aura Knight, eonia, 3dscollector, Roxra, Artisan, MasterofBasics, FuntimeFoxy, P2.0

Challenge Name: December 5.3

What to do: Draw a picture of your favorite Pokemon. (username in it)

Reward: 2 CC

Finished: Aura Knight, eonia, 3dscollector, Artisan, MasterofBasics, FuntimeFoxy, P2.0, Samster

Challenge Name: December 6.1

What to do: Say something nice on @Shiny 's profile. (use proof and format here by saying done]

Reward: 2 CC

Finished: FuntimeFoxy, eonia, Roxra, Samster, Aura Knight, Artisan, P2.0, 3dscollector, MasterofBasics

Challenge Name: December 6.2

What to do: Tell me a Nintendo Console you've always wanted.

Reward: 1 CC

Finished: FuntimeFoxy, eonia, Roxra, Samster, Aura Knight, Artisan, P2.0, 3dscollector, MasterofBasics

Challenge Name: December 7.1

What to do: Tell me the bravest thing you've ever done.

Reward: 1 CC

Finished: Samster, Aura Knight, eonia, 3dscollector, FuntimeFoxy, Artisan, P2.0, masterofBasics

Challenge Name: December 7.2

What to do: Tell me a funny joke.

Reward: 2 CC

Finished: Samster, Aura Knight, eonia, 3dscollector, FuntimeFoxy, Artisan, P2.0, MasterofBasics

Challenge Name: December 7.3

What to do: Tell me a fun fact!

Reward: 2 CC

Finished: Samster, Aura Knight, eonia, 3dscollector, FuntimeFoxy, Artisan, P2.0, MasterofBasics

Challenge Name: December 8.1

What to do: Tell me the scariest thing that ever happened to you.

Reward: 1 CC

Finished: P2.0, Artisan, eonia, Samster, MasterofBasics, 3dscollector, Aura Knight, FuntimeFoxy

Challenge Name: December 8.2

What to do: Take a picture of a clock in your house (dont ask why I'm choosing this) (username in pic)

Reward: 2 CC

Finished: Artisan, Samster, Aura Knight, eonia, P2.0, FuntimeFoxy

Challenge Name: December 8.3

What to do: Take a picture of the oldest Nintendo System you own. (username in pic)

Reward: 2 CC

Finished: Artisan, Samster, Aura Knight, eonia, P2.0, FuntimeFoxy

Challenge Name: December 9.1

What to do: Tell me the longest you've ever slept.

Reward: 1 CC

Finished: Artisan, Samster, Aura Knight, eonia, P2.0, FuntimeFoxy, Masterofzbasics

Challenge Name: December 9.2

What to do: Do 10 pushups

Reward: 2 CC

Finished: Artisan, Samster, Aura Knight, eonia, P2.0, FuntimeFoxy, zmasterofBasics

Challenge Name: December 10.1

What to do: Draw Mario with your eyes closed (digital or pencil or paper) (username in drawing)

Reward: 2 CC

Finished: Artisan, Samster, Sky, eonia, p2.0, Aura Knight, FuntimeFoxy, MasterofBasics

Challenge Name: December 10.2

What to do: Tell me your favorite color.

Reward: 1 CC

Finished: Artisan, Samster, eonia, p2.0, Aura Knight, FuntimeFoxy, MasterofBasics

Challenge Name: December 10.3

What to do: Take a picture of your pet (username in pic)

Reward: 3 CC

Finished: Artisan, Samster, Aura Knight, FuntimrFoxy, P2.0

Challenge Name: December 10.4

What to do: Do 30 pushups

Reward: 2 CC

Finished: Artisan, Samster, eonia, p2.0, Aura Knight, FuntimeFoxy, MasterofBasics

Challenge Name: December 10.5

What to do: Answer this riddle. "Who's current image is commonly mistaken to be the work of one of the largest soda companies and is based on a Greek Bishop? Very Christmas-y" (pm me as many answers as you like. Do not post the answer in this thread. Do not use the format here until I have told you that your answer is correct. But do use the format once you have gotten the right answer. In the format, just say "Done". PM me your answer as many times as you want.) (Credits to Sky for creating this riddle. If its too hard, blame her :eyes2:) ((THIS RIDDLE CANNOT BE EASILY ANSWERED BY GOOGLING, AS THE RIDDLE WAS NOT PULLED STRAIGHT FROM GOOGLE. Answer is christmas themed!))

Reward: 5 CC

Finished: Samster, Artisan, Sky, eonia, Aura Knight

Challenge Name: December 11.1

What to Do: Draw Pikachu and Eevee with your eyes closed. Keep your eyes closed the entire time when drawing them. (username in drawing)

Reward: 2 CC

Finished: Artisan, Sky, P2.0, Aura Knight, Samster, FuntimeFoxy

Challenge Name: December 11.2

What to do: Tell me your favorite underrated Nintendo game.

Reward: 1 CC

Finished: Artisan, Sky, P2.0, Aura Knight, eonia, Samster, FuntimeFixy

Challenge Name: December 11.3

What to do: Grab yourself 25 free PC from Marc here:

Reward: 1 CC

Finished: Artisan, Sky, P2.0, Aura Knight, eonia, Samster, FuntimeFoxy

Challenge Name: December 11.4

What to do: Tell me here who's Christmas Event you like better, mine or Marc's, and tell me why. Be completely honest. Marc's Event Link:

Reward: 3 CC

Finished: Artisan, Sky, Aura Knight, eonia, Samster, P2.0, FuntimeFoxy

Challenge Name: Dececmber 12.1

What to do: Draw Yoshi with your eyes closed (username in pic)

Reward: 2 CC

Finished: Artisan, Samster, P2.0, Aura Knight, FuntimeFoxy

Challenge Name: December 12.2

What to do: Take a picture of your username (username in pic)

Reward: 2 CC

Finished: Artisan, Samster, P2.0, Aura Knight, FuntimeFoxy

Challenge Name: December 13.1

What to do: Make a paper snowflake out of paper and take a picture of it (username in pic!)

Reward: 2 CC

Finished: Samster, Artisan, Aura Knight, p2.0

Challenge Name: December 13.2

What to do: Draw Kirby with your eyes closed (username in it!)

Reward: 2 CC

Finished: Samster, Artisan, Aura Knight, P2.0, FuntimeFoxy

Challenge Name: December 13.3

What to do: Draw a cute picture of Pokemon #133, Eevee (username in .pic)

Reward: 2 CC

Finished: Samster, Artisan, Aura Knight, P2.0, funtimeFoxy

Challenge Name: December 14.1

What to do: Draw the Smash logo with your eyes closed (username in drawing)

Reward: 2 CC

Finished: Samster, Artisan, Aura Knigbt, P2.0, Funtimezfoxy

Challenge Name: December 14.2

What to do: Tell me a present you really want for Christmas

Reward: 1 CC

Finished: Samster, eonia, Artisan, Aura Knight, FuntimrFoxy, P2.0

Challenge Name: December 14.3

What to do: Take a picture of a cool christmas ornament (username in pic)

Reward: 2 CC

Finished: Samster, Artisan, Aura Knight, FuntimeFoxy, P2.0

Challenge Name: December 15.1

What to do: Draw Pacman with your eyes closed (username in drawing)

Reward: 2 CC

Finished: Samster, Artisan, P2.0, FuntimeFoxy, Aura Knight

Challenge Name: December 15.2

What to do: Give me a username suggestion, with Shiny in the name.

Reward: 1 CC

Finished: Samster, funtimefoxy, Artisan, eonia, Aura Knight, P2.0

Challenge Name: December 15.3

What to do: Tell me a haiku that you made yourself.

Reward: 2 CC

Finished: Samster, Artisan, Aura zknight, P2.0

Challenge Name: December 16.1

What to do: Tell me your favorite holiday and why.

Reward: 1 CC

Finished: Samster, FuntimeFoxy, eonia, Aura zknight, Artisan, P2.0

Challenge Name: December 16.2

What to do: Draw a Christmas Tree with your eyes closed (username in drawing)

Reward: 2 CC

Finished: Samster, FuntimeFoxy, Aura Knight, Artisan, P2.0

Challenge Name: December 16.3

What to do: Take a picture of some christmas cookies (username in pic)

Reward: 2 CC

Finished: Aura Knight, Artisan, Samster, FuntimeFoxy, P2.0

Challenge Name: December 16.4

What to do: Tell me your favorite Christmas treat

Reward: 1 CC

Finished: Samster, FuntimeFoxy, eonia, Aura Knight, Artisan, P2.0

Challenge Name: December 17.1

What to do: Draw a triforce your eyes closed (username in drawing)

Reward: 2 CC

Finished: Samster, Artisan, Aura Knight, P2.0

Challenge Name: December 17.2

What to do: Tell me your favorite game as a kid

Reward: 1 CC

Finished: Samster, Artisan, Aura Knight, P2.0, eonia

Challenge Name: December 18.1

What to do: Draw what you want for Christmas (username in drawing)

Reward: 2 CC

Finished: Samster, Artisan, P2.0, Aura Knight

Challenge Name: December 18.2

What to do: Draw Waluigi with your eyes closed (username in drawing)

Reward: 2 CC

Finished: Samster, Artisan, P2.0, Aura Knight

Challenge Name: December 18.3

What to do: What is the word (winter themed answer)? Tell me in PM your guess answer. Guess as many times as want. Do not tell anyone the answer.

Word: 9456
9 = 19th
4 = 14th
5 = 15thh
6 = 23rd

Reward: 3 CC

Finished: Samster, Artisan, Aura Knight

Challenge Name: December 18.4

What to do: 10 pushups

Reward: 1 CC

Finished: Samster, Artisan, P2.0, Aura Knight, eonia

Challenge Name: December 19.1

What to do: Draw your username with your eyes closed (username in drawing)

Reward: 2 CC

Finished: Samster, P2.0, Artisan, Aura Knight

Challenge Name: December 19.2

What to do: Look to the right of you. Tell me what you see.

Reward: 1 CC

Finished: Samster, P2.0, Artisan, Aura Knight, eonia

Challenge Name: December 19.3

What to do: Take a picture of a Christmas Tree (username in pic)

Reward: 3 CC

Finished: Samster, Artisan, Aura Knight

Challenge Name: December 20.1

What to do: Draw a snowman with your eyes closed (username in drawing)

Reward: 2 CC

Finished: Samster, Artisan, Aura Knight,P2.0

Challenge Name: December 20.2

What to do: Tell me the scariest thing happened to you.

Reward: 1 CC

Finished: Samster, Artisan,Aura Knight, eonia,P2.0

Challenge Name: December 20.3

What to do: Tell me the best present you got on christmas.

Reward: 1 CC

Finished: Samster, Artisan, Aura Knight, eonia, P2.0

Challenge Name: December 20.4

What to do: Tell me a story about whatever you want. At least 150 words.

Reward: 3 CC

Finished: Samster, Artisan, Aura gtht, eonia,P2.0

Challenge Name: December 21.1

What to do: Draw your Smash Main. Draw it nicely. (username in drawing)

Reward: 2 CC

Finished: Artisan, Aura Knight, Samster,P2.0

Challenge Name: December 21.2

What to do: Tell me a Christmas tradition you have.

Reward: 1 CC

Finished: Samster, Artisan, Aura Knight,P2.0

Challenge Name: December 21.3

What to do: Draw Pichu with your eyes closed (username in drawing)

Reward: 2 CC

Finished: Samster, Artisan, Aura Knight,P2.0

Challenge Name: December 21.4

What to do: Tell me what you would do with the 5 dollar eshop card if you won it

Reward: 1 CC

Finished: Samster, Artisan, Aura Knight,P2.0

Challenge Name: December 22.1

What to do: Draw a PokeBall with your eyes closed (username in drawing)

Reward: 1 CC

Finished: Artisan, Samster, Aura Knight, P2.0

Challenge Name: December 22.2

What to do: Tell me a fun fact

Reward: 1 CC

Finished: Artisan, Samster, Aura Knight,p2.0.,eomia

Challenge Name: December 22.3

What to do: Make any sort of christmas craft and take a picture of it.

Reward: 2 CC

Finished: Artisan, Samster, Aura Knight,

Challenge Name: December 22.4

What to do: Tell me the sneakiest thing you've done

Reward: 1 CC

Finished: Artisan, Samster, Aura Knight,P2.0

Challenge Name: December 22.5

What to do: Tell me how excited for Christmas you are.

Reward: 1 CC

Finished: Artisan, Samster, Aura Knight,P2.0

Challenge Name: December 22.6

What to do: Tell me a fun fact about you.

Reward: 1 CC

Finished: Artisan, Samster, Aura Knight,P2.0, Eonia

Challenge Name: December 23.1

What to do: Tell me the scariest thing in a Nintendo game that scared you.

Reward: 1 CC

Finished: Aura Knight, Samster, Artisan,P2.0, eonia

Challenge Name: December 23.2

What to do: Draw a Christmas stocking with your eyes closed.

Reward: 1 CC

Finished: Aura Knight, Samster, Artisan,P2.0

Challenge Name: December 23.3

What to do: write me a story about an Eevee. At least 150 words. I will be checking the word count.

Reward: 2 CC

Finished: Aura Knight, Samster, Artisan, P2.0

Challenge Name: December 23.4

What to do: Take a picture of a picture of a pet. (username)

Reward: 2 CC

Finished: Samster, Aura Knight, Artisan

Challenge Name: December 23.5

What to do: Take a picture of something purple in your house (username in pic)

Reward; 2 CC

Finished: Samster, Aura KNight, Artisan, eonia

Challenge Name: December 24.1

What to do: Draw a present with your eyes closed.

Reward: 1 CC

Finished: Samster, Aura zknight, Artisan

Challenge Name: December 24.2

What to do: Its @Starry Wintry 's birthday today! Say happy birthday on his profile.

Reward: 3 CC

Finished: Samster, eonia,Aura zknight, Artisan

Challenge Name: December 24.3

What to do: Draw Toad nicely. Username in drawing.

Reward: 2 CC

Finished: Aura Knight, Artisan, samster

Challenge Name: December 24.4

What to do: Tell me the best thing that happened to you this year.

Reward: 2 CC

Finished: Starry Windy, Samster,Aura Knight, Artiaan, is

Challenge Name: December 24.5

What to do: Tell me what I should do if there is a 3way tie at the end of this event.

Reward: 1 CC

Finished: Samster, eonoa,Aura zknight, Artisan

Challenge Name: December 24.6

What to do: Take a picture of an instrument in your house (username in pic)

Reward: 2 CC

Finished: Samster,Aura Knight, Artisan

Challenge Name: December 24.7

What to do: Take a picture of a present you are giving someone. Username in pic.

Reward: 2 CC

Finished: Samster, Aura Knight, Artisan

Challenge Name: Christmas Day Challenge 1

What to do: Say Merry Christmas!

Reward: 3 CC

Finished: Aura Knight, Samster, Artisan, a

Challenge Name: Christmas Day Challenge 2

What to do: Take a picture of a present you got for Christmas (username in pic)

Reward: 5 CC

Finished: Artisan, Aura Knight, samster, eonia

This list will be updated everyday with new challenges. Keep checking back everyday to see what the day's challenges are. I hope you all have fun and I wish you all the best of luck! If you have any questions at all, feel free to PM me or reply to this thread with your question and I'll answer it as fast as I can!





Edit as of December 23: there will be one more challenge on December 25! Make sure you do this one! You will also have until December 28 to complete any unfinished challenges. Then on December 28 at around 10PM Pst or something I will give out the prizes and whatever!

Everyone's Christmas Cookies:
@Samster: 160 CC
@Artisan: 160 CC
@Sammybam88: 22 CC
@Roxra: 33 CC
@MasterofHolidayCheer: 48 CC
@P2.0: 121 CC
@3dsCollector: 41 CC
@eonia: 94 CC
@Aura Knight: 160 CC
@Zukrad: 12 CC
@Whovian#1: 9 CC
@Starry Windy: 3 CC
@FuntimeFoxy: 85 CC
@Sky: 14 CC
@AricAttack: 17 CC
Last edited:
  • Like
Reactions: Duffy, Aura Knight, Mizunil and 4 others
Challenge Name: [December 1.1]

Proof: Happy December! :D

Challenge Name: [December 1.2]
Proof: I changed my avatar (subject to change again once I find a decent Christmas Marina ><)

Challenge Name: [December 1.3]

Proof: As with the Halloween event, just know that I tried (even though it’s terrible) ;~;

Challenge Name: [December 1.4]
Proof: PM'ed!
Last edited by a moderator:
  • Like
Reactions: P2.0 and Shiny
Challenge name: December 1.1

Proof: Happy December
Last edited:
  • Like
Reactions: Shiny
Challenge: Dec. 1.1.
Proof: Happy December!
Challenge: Dec. 1.2.
Proof: DONE
Challenge: Dec. 1.3.
Switch Drawing.png
Challenge: Dec. 1.4.
Proof: Is in the PM.
  • Like
Reactions: Shiny
Challenge name: December 1.3

  • Like
Reactions: Shiny
Challenge name: December 1.2

Proof: DONE
  • Like
Reactions: Shiny
Challenge Name: [December 1.1]

Proof: Happy December!

Challenge Name: [December 1.2]

Proof: DONE

Challenge Name: [December 1.3]


Challenge Name: [December 1.4]

Proof: DONE
  • Like
Reactions: Shiny
EDIT: Just kidding, here's the real image with the signature that I forgot to do :p
  • Like
Reactions: Shiny
Challenge Name: December 1.1
Proof: Happy December!
Challenge Name: December 1.4
Proof: done!
  • Like
Reactions: Shiny
  • #10
Challenge Name: December 1.2
Proof: done!
  • Like
Reactions: Shiny
  • #11
Challenge Name: December 1.3
  • Like
Reactions: Shiny
  • #12
Challenge name: December 1.1

Proof: Happy December! :3

Challenge name: December 1.4

Proof: PM'd
  • Like
Reactions: Shiny
  • #13
Quick question: Can I complete a challenge after the day it is revealed? or no is it the day only? Maybe I misunderstood when reading this lol.
  • #14
Quick question: Can I complete a challenge after the day it is revealed? or no is it the day only? Maybe I misunderstood when reading this lol.
You can complete it any day! :D
  • Like
Reactions: Duffy
  • #15
Challenge Name: December 1.1
Proof: Happy December! : P

Challenge Name: December 1.2
Proof: I changed my avatar

Challenge Name: December 1.3

Challenge Name: December 1.4
Proof: PM'ed!
  • Like
Reactions: Shiny
  • #16
Challenge name: December 1.1
proof: happy december
Challenge name: December 1.4
proof: its done

¿it is necesary to do the challenges in the same day or you lose the possibbylity to do them?
  • #17
Challenge name: December 1.1
proof: happy december
Challenge name: December 1.4
proof: its done

¿it is necesary to do the challenges in the same day or you lose the possibbylity to do them?
You can do them any day you want, and get the same amount of Christmas Cookies :D
  • Like
Reactions: EnderLord
  • #18
Challenge name: December 1.2

Proof: I changed my avi into something festiiive~ :p
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Reactions: Shiny and Samster
  • #19
More challenges have been added!
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Challenge name: December 2.1


Challenge name: December 2.2


Challenge name: December 2.3


Challenge name: December 2.4

Proof: My favorite is probably White Christmas, lol

Challenge name: December 2.5

Proof: I did it, and I’m sore all over now. >.<

Challenge name: December 2.6

Proof: Done!
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Reactions: Shiny