Pikachu or Mario?

  • Thread starter MonokotomokoDex365
  • Start date
  • #21
Pikachu, because humans can't survive being struck down by lightning. Sure Mario has,many lives but once its down to zero it's game over.
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  • #22
i prefer mario. mario has more creaive and colorful games. mario's game are very fun to me. Also mario has cool overalls. Mario also has very cool and awesome power ups. I really like the tanooki mario.
  • #23
Mario. He's the reason that I am a gamer and one of the reasons why I enjoy Nintendo games. I've played all of the Super Mario games as well and I love them. I don't know why, but I could care less about pokemon, which includes Pikachu lol (I say could care less because I somehow remember the names of more than 5 pokemon xD)
  • #24
I think Pikachu would win. Thunderbolt though. :p

and yep, like Jeff had said, Mario has limited lives D:
  • #25
Well, considering the fact that Mario is not a pokemon of any kind, and assuming that his resistance to electricity is the same as the average Italian man, Pikachu would be at a serious advantage. One use of thunder would fry Mario in an instant, and it already has an accuracy of 70...:dead: