Pokemon are Evil. What ?

  • Thread starter Reece
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  • #21
Pokemon are not evil it's just a television show with no blood , and the game has no blood at all -_-..... can't believe he said children will end up killing themselves and each other.
  • #22
Pokemon are not evil it's just a television show with no blood , and the game has no blood at all -_-..... can't believe he said children will end up killing themselves and each other.
this wouldn't be the first time people create controversy over Pokemon. There have even been people that claimed that Pokemon promotes Nazism (to the extent that GameFreak had to change some sprites to make them shut up)
  • #23
Okay so I was searching through some Youtube videos and I found this very (IMO) retarded video of this Person ranting why Pokemon are evil.

I am speechless by the accusations this person brought up to support his theory that Pokemon are evil. What do these people really think in their pea headed mind before they talk.

I just wanted to know your opinions on that video?

I think he is dead wrong, Pokemon to me has done no harm what so ever and I, in no way think Pokemon is evil.

I think that person hates everything about life, he rants that the internet is wrong, listening to rock songs are wrong. To him everything is wrong.

That man is absolutley crazy... Pokemon evil??? You think a child is going to go walking down the street with an AK-47 or something because that same child made a Pokemon faint on their Game Boy Color??? Are you serious?
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  • #24
what the hell ?!?!?!
what a <censored> - no offense
pokemon evil ? no way
if that guy thinks that pokemon is evil ....
he would faint if he saw someone playing call of duty
when you battle pokemon you make them faint not die
  • #25
I think this is due to the first season opening, when played backwards, played an eerie quote.
We also this trouble in France, but the way they do it is simply hilarious and stupid.
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  • #26
Some people just do this to troll the Pokemon fanbase, don't take all of it too seriously. If anything, just enjoy the hilarity of the stupidity in the logic
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  • #27
Some people just do this to troll the Pokemon fanbase, don't take all of it too seriously. If anything, just enjoy the hilarity of the stupidity in the logic
when i watched it i was laughing like crazy
  • #28
PETA trolling nintendo by ruining nintendo reputation on games ? Lol what the trolling for fun ? So all of this information stated by PETA is false ?