
  • Thread starter Maddie
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The Hero in Green
Towns Folk
Do you ever pre-order a game? Or do you just wait until the game comes out and run to the nearest store to buy it?

I haven't pre-ordered a game, at least not yet. I thought about pre-ordering Mario Kart 8 before it came out but I never did. I almost wish I did because when I went to the store to get my copy, they only had 4 copies of the game. I'm strongly considering pre-ordering certain games now after that.
I usually buy games that have already came out so I don't pre-order them, but I pre-order all games that I buy first day like Pokémon and smash bros
I very rarely pre-order games unless I have a good incentive to. More likely I will do the opposite, and wait for a game to get cheaper before getting it. Biggest exception of late was Mario Kart 8 due to their free game promo they were doing with it.
I never pre-ordered and I will never pre-order. I'd rather wait and buy the game later/when it gets a price drop than by pre-ordering. Why ? Because generally, the price of game is higher when you pre-order it, and the only way publishers thanks the players who pre-ordered their game is by adding a few gimmicks that will (most of the time) be available publicly (as a DLC, Activision ? :greedy:) later.

And even with this, it's way cheaper to play the game when it gets a price drop, then buy the gimmicks if they interest you.
So, I never pre-ordered and I will never pre-order.
I kinda want to preorder games when they have freebies to go along with it lol Or they're games like Pokemon that really is popular and have to wait for 2 months to get my copy. Or anything along those lines. Yeah sure the discounts help boost their sales but most likely if the game isn't "hot", most of the players there will find other games to play with ( Theres no prob with that either though >.>). Anyways, what Im trying to say is sometimes, when you preorder, especially in my place, the store gives you a discount for paying with cash + another discount when you preorder the game + another discount/freebie(Mostly freebie) when you buy the game on the game's launch or 3 days to a week after its launch.
I preorder only when it's a game that I know I want on the first day (MK, Zelda, etc) and that I know will be out of stock for a while (Smash Bros)
I preorder only when it's a game that I know I want on the first day (MK, Zelda, etc) and that I know will be out of stock for a while (Smash Bros)

That's me. I am thinking I will pre-order certain titles if I know they are going to sell out on the first day and be out of stock for a while. Mario Kart 8, I heard it sold over 1 and a half million copies in it's opening weekend alone (not sure if that is true but that's what I heard). In cases like that I might consider pre-ordering in the future. But most of the time, I don't see the need to.
Nah, I prefer having my handheld games downloaded to the system so I don't have to switch between games. I treat my Wii U as a handheld by the way, it's rare I use the TV with it.

PS4 I preorder everything for, though.
I've only pre-ordered games like three times, I hardly do it even if I really like the game unless it's either cheap or has some kind of benefit. Or both.
  • #10
I preorder a game if it's one I know I'll want on day one. It's even better if said game has a nice bonus. Otherwise I'll usually wait and grab them on sale. Last game I pre ordered was A Link Between Worlds - well worth owning on day one, and with a free code for Oracle of Seasons to boot!
  • #11
I only pre-order if K really, really, REALLY want the game. The best game (hopefully) that I've preordered so far would probably be Pokemon Omega Ruby :D I can't wait to see what the pre-order thing for the game will be ;)
  • #12
I only pre-ordered Pokemon Y because I knew I was going to buy it anyway. I also got a free app with it so it was awesome. You always get extra free stuff with pre-orders.
  • #13
I've pre-ordered a game once. It was Halo Reach. I usually like to go to a local store to get get games just because it suits me more. It's weird, I know but... yeah... lol.
  • #14
I once pre-ordered New Super Mario Bros 2 and even put 5 dollars on it, but I never ended up purchasing the game (interest just died). I don't really see the reason in pre-ordering unless there is some really worthwhile preorder bonus.
  • #15
I have never preorder a game before. I have thought about doing it by never did. I usually just wait for the game to come out then go buy it, or I get on there late bus and buy it after they stop selling out and start to become unpopular.
  • #16
I am always late when it comes to buying the latest games >.> takes me like months before I can even get it . It's really hard to anticipate so I never really pre-ordered a game before ever . Though it is awesome to pre-order games but I don't prefer that method
  • #17
I rarely pre order any game. In fact, the first time I ever pre ordered a game was last year. I was going to pre order Pokemon Alpha Sapphire since I was so hyped. I think that you should pre order if you really want a game on it's release date since you may have to wait one week to het the game, since they will be sold out.
  • #18
I rarely pre-order games since its rarely worth it. One game I regret not pre-ordering was MH4U though. All the freebies included in the MH4U pre-order would have made it really worth it. Buuuut I just recently bought Fantasy Life back then and couldn't afford it. :cry: (yeah I have awesome timing skills //sarcasm)
  • #19
Well i don't preorder games but I used order those games on very first day on website may be not very first day but sometimes if any popular game is going to launch then is it is also very hard to that game online or it is also also not available to nearest store.
  • #20
I've only pre-ordered games a few times in my life, and amusingly, most of them were Pokemon games. With the exception of Megaman Battle Network 6 when it came out.

I don't generally pre-order games nowadays due to the fact that the prices of newly released games are usually ridiculous. For example, I purchased Duke Nukem Forever when it was first released, and now you'll be lucky to find it in a $20 or less bin at a Wal-Mart or some other store.