AC:NL Fruit Seller
Towns Folk
Usually i don't pre-order games, but if is a game that many fans are crazy for it, i pre-order immediately since it will be out of stock by the time i get to gamestop. i also pre-order if there's bonuses like a t-shirt, extra content to the game or a free game (my most favorite is free game, problem? good) when i don't pre-order i sometimes regret on pre-ordering since some games that i pre-ordered are bad or just that i don't like and decides to trade a game (from a friend or sell it on ebay, or return and get another game.)Do you ever pre-order a game? Or do you just wait until the game comes out and run to the nearest store to buy it?
I haven't pre-ordered a game, at least not yet. I thought about pre-ordering Mario Kart 8 before it came out but I never did. I almost wish I did because when I went to the store to get my copy, they only had 4 copies of the game. I'm strongly considering pre-ordering certain games now after that.