
  • Thread starter Mikaya
  • Start date
  • #21
Real name: Classified (at least for now).
Age: 13
Location: Kansas, USA (it's right in the center, too!)
Interests/hobbies: Anime/Manga, Vocaloid, Video games, Singing, attempting to play piano (and failing because of my fingers being hyperflexible)
Eye color: Hazel; Sometimes they're green, sometimes they're brown, sometimes they're gray, sometimes they're golden brown, and sometimes they're a mixture!
Hair color: Dark brown, almost black
Things you hate: Depends on my mood
Occupation: Middle School homeschool student
Build: (body - slim/average etc) I'm pretty much all around small, and I'm not growing anymore :[
Height: 5'1.5"
Weight: (If known) I don't even know, but I'm pretty skinny for my age.
You live in Kansas? My father lived their for most of his life

Real name: Zane
Age: 13
Location: Chicago, USA
Interests/hobbies: skiing, video games, chess, sports, science.
Eye color: brown
Hair color: brown
Occupation: student
Build: slim
Height: 163
Weight: 54kg
Forgot to add something
Things you hate: stupid stereotypes, discrimination, ignorance, false assumptions and accusations.
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  • #22
First name:Jams and ,my age is 17, location:new york, eye color:brown,skin:caramel,favorite junk food:pizza,favorite music type:RNb,rap,Rock and Hip-hop.
  • #23
Age: 14
Location: the Netherlands
Interests/hobbies: drawing, Zelda, reading, gaming, anime, Zelda, everything fantasy-related, Zelda, animals, Zelda, playing keyboard and probably some other things I forgot
Eye color: blue
Hair color: blonde
Things you hate: my hair, racism, people who always follow the crowd, boybands
Occupation: high-schooler
Build: (body - slim/average etc) skinny
Height: 1,68 m
Weight: (If known) 40 kg