AC:NL Recommended Ordinance in New Leaf

  • Thread starter Slayerpon Tatsu
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Slayerpon Tatsu

Slayerpon Tatsu

The Nopon King of EXP and Hater of Ignorance
Banned User
so I plan on getting this game sometime soon and I have a question, what ordinance would you recommend? I know all and what they do but which one would be best fit for a town?
i would recommend the keep the "keep town beautiful" because its boring to water the flowers every day, especially when you have lots
i would recommend the keep the "keep town beautiful" because its boring to water the flowers every day, especially when you have lots

True, not mention it's a pain to do it by yourself. I mean, I know the animals often help but still it's a pain in the tail.
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Sanyc has basically said it. This ordinance is for the people who want to get right into other things without having to worry about watering flowers or plucking weeds. If you don't care about having a nice town or sanitary house, however, this is not the ordinance for you. The next best ordinance imo is Bell Boom. It makes all of the prices for buying and selling items increase. It's kinda like inflation in animal crossing, lol. The remaining two ordinances are pretty much pointless.
bell boom is the way of making money...
I wanna say the Beautiful ordinance but at the same time, I think it's better to start out with the Bell Bloom ordinance and then switch later on to the other one.

Although if you're busy and/or tend to play late at night or early in the morning, then obviously the better option might be the Early Bird or Night Owl. Whatever works best for you.
I like to play at night and so the Night Owl is the one I have and it works pretty well for me because I can go to the island later and not have to worry about what time Retail or Nooks closes because they close around 11:30-midnight with the Night Owl Ordinance. But, then again, if you want a lot of bells at first, go for the Bell Boom.
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I agree with heartless on this one. Bell Boom is the best way to go to start racking up money at a higher rate before having better money making methods. After that I went to Night Owl because I tend to spend the night on my 3DS and still have errands to run.
Either bell boom or keep town beautiful ordinance. Peresonaly I would go with bell boom, because while the keep town beautiful is nice and all you can make a ton more cash off the island with those rare bugs. My highest earning with bell boom on is 230 thousand something, mainly off of 3 golden stags and a lot of atlus beetles. Bell boom is so worth it, however if you have gotten to the point where you have so many bells whenever you walk you sound like Santa, switch to keep town beautiful ordinance, it will be worth you money and time.
  • #10
Keep Town Beautiful is probably the best ordinance, especially if you go extended periods of time without playing. You won't have to worry about coming back to your town being a mess of weeds and whatnot.
  • #11
Keep Town Beautiful it helps when you don't play often and if your like meh it gets boring watering flowers 24/7 also it helps you get the Golden Watering Can in some ways
  • #12
I'd mostly reccomend the Beautiful Ordinance, especially if you play inactively, because all the villagers pitch in and water the flowers and pluck weeds. But if you're very active, it isn't as useful, then pick Bell Bloom for more bells to pay off loans faster, or Night Owl if you play a lot at night.
  • #13
Definitly Keep ____ Beatiful.
  • #14
so I plan on getting this game sometime soon and I have a question, what ordinance would you recommend? I know all and what they do but which one would be best fit for a town?
I recommend bell boom in the beginning as it makes it a ton easier, then if you want the town to be pretty or you're focusing on hybrids or something but you don't exactly want to have to water your flowers a lot, get the beautiful ordinance. Though the other two are cool as well, the Early Bird and Night Owl ones, I mean.
  • #15
Well I have had the game since Christmas of 2015... My 3ds stopped working Christmas Day ;-;
  • #16
It depends on what you want first. Keeping the town clean is probably the best, but you also need to have an opinion to it as well. Bell boom would help you get your house upgraded to the max really fast so you can start decorating, but keeping the town clean definitely helps for you not having to pluck the weeds all the time and less decorating the town. So this is probably the best choice.
  • #17
I would recommend start off with Bell Bloom. You will get a lot of money that way to do stuff like, as Pokefreak said, upgrade our house. After that, go for the BeautifunTown ordinance to keep your town pretty and flowers appearing in your town to make it look pretty.
  • #18
Just leaving a post since this thread seems useful. :) From all I've read; start with Bell Boom then switch to beautiful once you're filthy rich.
  • #19
I personally never cared for bell boom. I chose it to see what it was like, then quickly changed it back.

I agree with others though that the beautiful town ordinance is super useful! I have dozens of flowers and a tendency to put down the game for a few days, or sometimes longer. Not a good mix without this ordinance! It would take ages to water everything and surely some would wilt. I'm also thrilled that I don't get tons of weeds or catch garbage. :p

When I first started playing the Early Bird ordinance was my favourite, though. Back when I had few flowers and wasn't sure if there were consequences for changing the time. :p
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  • #20
I would say keep town beautiful ordinance that way if your ever away form your town for a long time you won't get weeds or trash build up in your town. It also means you wouldn't get bugs in your house while your away . That way your town still looks as pretty as you left it before you left for any reason for a long time.