Contest RPG SSB Contest - Win PC!

  • Thread starter ZeldaGuy026
  • Start date
  • #41
Pit finished his duty saving the world and destroying Medusa,
He decided to find another, more interesting, hobbie =
Ok... You're in
  • #42
Wait,what exactly do v have 2 do?
  • #43
  • #44
Is this still going on?
  • #45
can I still enter
  • #47
Captain Falcon had just stepped out of the blue falcon. he had just won the Jack Cup when somebody handed him a letter. upon further examination, he discovered it was a letter from a far off land. he was invited to battle for glory and honour. he travelled off to the distant land, leaving all that he had known, to join this fantastic battle for valiance. as he passed by many islands in the sky, he wondered just what he was getting into. he found a building and entered to see if there was anything of importance. but instead of information, he was ambushed by a swordsman with short blue hair. Captain Falcon easily defeated the foe, but was immediately attacked again by what he assumed to be a relative of the swordsman. he struck her down too, but she was a bit more skillful. Captain Falcon left the building now knowing the gruesome battles that would lie ahead. And with that, Captain Falcon delivers justice to the battle.