Lemon Dragon
Towns Folk
Hmm... Okay, I got my 3DS about a little while after they announced the Price Drop... I just want to keep it a bit longer before they drop support. I actually like the name: Fusion Terminal, I think it is a good choice but it just sounds a little weird 0.0 .
Yeah, but the 'Terminal' thingy confuses me, as there's a lot of meanings and senses for it... I mean, it could be a server, a computer with a "MS-DOS" thing called a 'Terminal' (Linux Users, I'm talking about you ! )
But if it's a way to have a dedicated server on some games, that would be ok with me, as you would be able to play with your friends (local + online, I guess), and manage them if they want to mess up with your party. That way would be good, but I wanna see the price first (IF it's like this, and IF it's true).