Scariest/Freakiest Pokemon?

  • Thread starter BlazikenX000
  • Start date
  • #41
Almost any ghost type. They always have something to do with death of humans and stuff. Sableye steals people souls, yamask is a dead human, phantomp is a dead child who got lost in the forest,chandelure hangs around hospitals waiting for people to die and eat the souls. Need I say more.
  • #42
Ekans, Arbok, and Seviper. Snakes scare me to death. I know that the Snivy line are also snakes, but that's different. They don't look intimidating. Ekans, Arbok, and Seviper, look downright scary.
  • #43
Hmm...after seeing that Poképic I'm glad I can't close my eyes.....

And I heard the lavender town tune I can't listen to very long I start feeling sick and dizzy :bear:...

For me it would be Espurr it's like it's staring into your soul, judging you. It's so creepy. I just picture turning the corner and it's right there....staring :nailbiting:
  • #44
Drifloon, I mean have you ever seen his pocketed entry? If I hold it I vanish! Never would be excited if I get a "balloon"(drifloon) for my birthday.
  • #45
I have to say I was mostly scared of sableye because it creeped me out when I was little from how they lick you which is weird
It will always be here. :vamp::vamp::vamp::vamp::vamp::vamp::vamp::vamp::vamp::vamp::vamp::vamp::vamp::vamp::vamp:. Sableye will get all of you. It is scared of fairies. Bring Azumarill? Foul Play up. Mega Gardevoir-Dark Pulse. :nailbiting: No No. That is why I never buy Sapphire. I thought it would corrupt my game. LOL