Shipping thread!

  • Thread starter Mikaya
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  • #1,025
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Reactions: Kakea and Mikaya
  • #1,026
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Reactions: Derplink_:3 and Mikaya
  • #1,027
  • #1,028
Is there a reason, or are we just being shipped for the name, @Shinzai ?
  • #1,029
No reason it's the shipping thread wynaut
  • #1,030
Okey :p
  • #1,031

@Heropon Tatsu X @Derplink_:3
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  • #1,033
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  • #1,035
@Derp I guess you're my waifu now huh? I'll take you out on a night you'll never forget. I was thinking Chuck E. Cheese? :rotfl:
What? xD
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  • #1,036
I was just messing with ya :rotfl: But apparently we are a perfect ship:eek::p
  • #1,037
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Reactions: Kakea
  • #1,038
And I thought my username couldn't get much more generic. :p
Lemme make it sound more cute:
@PersonSP and @iLemonPie
(Never mind, that ended up sounding really creepy! :eek: )
  • #1,039
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Reactions: Kakea and Mikaya
  • #1,040
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Reactions: Derplink_:3 and Kakea
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