Should I get PS4 or Xbone

  • Thread starter Morimoto
  • Start date
  • #21
I would go with the PS4 since your friends have one and the PS4 has better performance compared to the xbox one.
  • #22
Stick with your friends and the ps4. However, if you want to be the one who g ets the superior experience, go with a pc. For about 300, I've made pc part lists that beat out both the xbone and the ps4. I won't go into much detail, but what you have to consider is that microsoft and sony are about to release the updated versons of the consoles.
As for your controller situation, if you want the xbone controller, just get a converter or a third party controller with a similar layout to it.
  • #23
PC master race anyone?
  • #24
I would go with PlayStation on this one.Now I dont own any of these consoles but I have played them but from experience and what I have seen go with PlayStation.Why,well if you want exclusives PlayStation has it,Like Call of Duty? Well PlayStation now get DLCS a month earlier then Xbox. Also the PlayStation is much more reliable and wont crash as much(from my experience of having a PS3.If you do have any problems I have had Sony customer service be there and they have been such a help.Also the PS3 is a much powerful console.This is what I would go with if I was you.
  • #25
Definitely PlayStation, better overall performance and exclusives. Seriously, you could put all of the Xbox One exclusives together and they wouldn't even come close to The Last of Us. Plus, it's always good to stick with your friends. If you get one, let me know and I'll add you.
  • #26
(ง◥▶‿◀◤)ง GO FOR PS4! I had a 2 year old XBOX that did the red ring of death! (I know how to fix, did not work ( ͡° ε ͡°))