Closed Sm4sh Fest Tournament

  • Thread starter Pookie
  • Start date
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  • #121
  • #122
Have fun! :)
  • #123
has it started yet?
  • #124
No it will start August 5th! :)
  • #125
  • #126
No it will start August 5th! :)
i wont be here august so i problgust ey wont be able to join enless i can battle august next sunday or satarday night
  • #127
Whole month or a couple days?
  • #128
  • #129
satuday the the 1st
  • #130
You should be fine I will either delay it a couple days so more people can join or give a week or so for everyone to do their matches.
  • #131
You should be fine I will either delay it a couple days so more people can join or give a week or so for everyone to do their matches.
ok thx
  • #132
Np, everyone has to enjoy it! :)
  • #133
I'll join when it's for wii u
  • #134
Who's Nova?
  • #135
Fixed lol:p
  • #136
Ill join!!! Ill give it my all!
1. King DeDeDe
2. Roy
3. Link
4. C.Falcon
5. Ike
  • #137
What date does the battling start?
I'll enter with Pit, Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Kirby, and Greninja. (Not necessarily in that order)
  • #138
the battles will be at specific times?, because i can't be online at certain times.
  • #139
May I join?
If yes, then my characters are:
5.Duck Hunt
Also, when does the Sm4sh Fest Tournament Start?
  • #140
hi can i join just give me time so i can decide which characters to use
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