The person above me is....

  • Thread starter JayRawrTiz
  • Start date
  • #101
The person above me thinks I stole Marc's emote.

I didn't mean to >.>
  • #102
the persona above me is the art of the sand
  • #103
The person above me used a lot of space in their post.
  • #104
The person above me got ninja'd
  • #105
geez :panda:
the person above me doesn't know the Marc's emot is "=P"
  • #106
The person above me said "geez"
  • #107
The person above me didn't use the panda emote.
  • #108
the person above me has a good avi
(this goes for anyone so no one's gonna ninja me @w@ )
  • #109
the person above me got ninja'ed
  • #110
The person above me is a ninja
(I hope I don't get ninja'd >.< )
  • #111
:panda: The person above me... has 126 coins.
  • #112
The person above me....ah forget it!
I'm gonna get ninja'd anyways e.e
  • #113
The person above me despises ninjas.
  • #114
The person above me said the truth

>.< no ninjas please >.<
  • #115
The person above me is a GIF thief.
  • #116
The person above me is "The Superior One"
Lol no the person above me is the real illuminati.
  • #117
Aww. Thank you. :giggle: :D :sneaky: The person above me is not Batman.
  • #118
The person above me is Batman and the illuminati :eek:
  • #119
The person above me thinks I am Batman. But am I. I am not Rick.
  • #120
The person above me is actually an a Doctor who travels in a phone booth through time and space who has a screwdriver that works on everything!:sneaky: