The user above you goes on a killing spree.

  • Thread starter Kalomaze
  • Start date
  • #21
Minecraft_e_r goes on another killing spree but kills furno in the process. Marshy messes up the timeline again and so does furno.
  • #22
Marshy goes on a killing spree, and gets bored so he joins a killing spree, because he is bored of killing sprees
  • #23
GO GO POWER RANGERS! Killing spree
  • #24
Marshy goes on a killing spree again but kills everyone.
  • #25
The timeline is messed up again, but marshy still goes on a killing spree.
  • #26
Minecraft_e_r messes up again along with furno on another killing spree.
  • #27
Furno breaks a rule and nukes everything killing Marsy and Minecraft_e_r making no way to un do the damage he has done
  • #28
Marshy erases the timeline.
  • #29
The timeline is so messed up, that a vortex opens in the space time continuum, Which opens a time portal. Each and every killing spree that has ever happened, virtual or non-virtual, has re happened in the present time.
  • #30
Marshy glitches it too, because he messed up once more. 9999 ATK to Furno and Minecraft_e_r
  • #31
The universe almost explodes, and marshy still attempts to go on a killing spree, because all marshy knows is pain.
  • #31
The previous timeline escapes into the current timeline and starts a killing spree.
  • #32
Minecraft_e_r decides to attempt to reset time itself.
  • #33
A killing spree has just gone into a killing spree, because spree-Seption!
  • #34
Furno becomes god, proclaims his pain is far greater than yours, blows up a village, talks about peace, then goes on a killing spree.
  • #35
Furno ends himself because the pain is too miserable after his presumed final killing spree.
  • #36
Minecraft_e_r joins the Inter-Dimensional Killing Spree
  • #37
Minecraft_e_r feels regret and decides to reset all and make sure the timeline doesn't rip again.
  • #38
Marshy goes on a killing spree.
  • #39
Only kills one of his six paths of pain to replace it in few minutes with a new one
  • #40
The universe explodes. goes back in time 3 seconds. Marshy joins a killing spree and the explosion never occours.