This or That?

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  • #41
Sky diving, (havent done it but obviously trying one xD)

Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts?
  • #42
Final Fantasy! I know, I know.. I just haven't played as much Kingdom Hearts games as I have with Final Fantasy, :oops: (I tried Kingdom Hearts 3D for the 3DS but I haven't played it much).

Drawing on a paper or drawing on a computer?
  • #43

Knuckles or Tails?
  • #44
Knuckles because he looks cooler..nota big sonic guy.

Chunky or funky?
  • #45

North or South?
  • #46

Apple or Pear?
  • #47

Love to hate or hate to love?
  • #48
LOL its tricky :eek:
For me its 'hate to love' since 'love to hate' is just being an unreasonable hater

Normal or Collector's Edition?:p
  • #49
Normal. If you have collector's edition anything that means you're a spoiled child.

Death by Fire or Death by Ice?
  • #50
Tough but i think i would pick ice probably less painful

Can read peoples minds or Can understand animals
  • #51
Can understand animals. I don't want to read anyone's mind because that 1.) wouldn't be very nice and 2.) my thoughts are more important.

No Rules or Strict Rules
  • #52
No rules just might cause mayhem but strict rules becomes rebel
I'll pick no rules then:p

Piggyback or bearhug?:p
  • #53
Piggyback because I don't mind looking silly. I'm not a hugger.

Say meaningless things to everyone all the time or say nothing at all?
  • #54
Say nothing at all since it would be annoying to talks bullsht all the time :eek:

School or work?;)
  • #55

Zelda or Mario?
  • #56
Mario because you get to eat mushrooms that come out of bricks that you punch. By the way...

Sony or Sega?
  • #57

Potbelly Sonic or tall, thinner Sonic?
  • #58
tall and thinner one, since we should go (read:try to love) with the new one right? :p

Torrent Download or File Sharing Download (such as Mediafire or MEGA, etc)?:whistle:
  • #59

Local multiplayer or online multiplayer?
  • #60
Online multiplayer.

Have everyone know everything about everyone or have everyone know nothing about nobody?
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