What 3DS game you would give 10/10 score?

  • Thread starter dwikrid
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Noblesse Oblige
Towns Folk
I am personally attached to Cave Story (eShop, not that 3D one). It is perfectly made, with different scenario depending on your choice; rare found in platformer.

The story is just excellent, with many surprises and secrets within. A superb, non-linear, yet accessible to anyone. The soundtrack is awesome. Thank goodness there's a juxebox.

How about you guys?
I'm being a little more lenient here so here goes :

Fire Emblem Awakening
- it's my favorite 3DS game and I couldn't really find anything at all wrong with the game. It has good graphics, challenging gameplay, lots of characters to play with and the humor is there.

Super Smash Bros. for 3DS - surprisingly, Smash Bros. isn't bad on the small screen. Although it lacks a story mode (which I'm not sure about how it works since this is my first Smash game), it keeps you entertained with Smash Run, Vs and Classic modes. It also has really good online features which I commend the developers for, :love:

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked - Good storyline, interesting characters and challenging gameplay. I just wished there were more demons in the game but it's enough to satisfy my needs, :playful:

The Circe Pad might not make the game a perfect 10, but hey, I did say I'm being lenient, didn't I? :p

Virtue's Last Reward - One of the best visual novels and puzzle games that I've played on the Nintendo 3DS.

Animal Crossing: New Leaf - The game is designed to keep you playing for a long period of time. It is addictive because I've actually lost track of the time while playing when I first picked this game up. Even without multiplayer, the game is solid imo.
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It's not that a 10/10 game is without flaw :p

Fire Emblem Awakening and SMT: DeSu actually share the same genre, so I will pick FE:A. DeSu has a strong, branched stories as usual, but being a mere port turns down this game. They should have remastered the music, at least. (Psssttt they actually added some demons, but yeah, we want more).

I haven't touched Super Smash Bros and Animal Crossing: New Leaf, but ACNL is a neat choice for everyone - sometimes better than Harvest Moon series.

Virtue's Last Reward is the strongest candidate for visual novel/puzzle game since it offers a lot of contents, rather than the latest Ace Attorney series. People might love Phoenix Wright and co., yet Virtue's Last Reward suits the throne.
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DeSu has a strong, branched stories as usual, but being a mere port turns down this game. They should have remastered the music, at least. (Psssttt they actually added some demons, but yeah, we want more).
Yeah, that too. I already know about the additional demons, :playful:

Still, it's a 10/10 in my book because I enjoyed mostly every moment of it, but it does have its flaws :
  • Tiny text, remember? :p - http://3dspedia.com/wp-content/uploads/smt-ds-overclocked-gameplay.jpg
  • The lack of demon icons on the grid-map to represent different demons.
  • A perma-death feature for demons might have been cool, :panda:
  • Circle Pad is terrible on the grid-based field.
  • The extended storyline wasn't that much additional content from what I've heard. DESu2's extended storyline might be a lot more content since they said it's enough to be considered its own game, :eek:
@Marc anyway would you consider a 3DSPedia article about "top ten 3DS game of 2014" or something like that? We could also make separate article for indie titles, etc.
I honestly have very little 3DS games, and from the majority of the games I play, Pokemon X is my best bet. The game itself has some flaws, but 10/10 isn't really a score describing a "flawless" game in my opinion. It's really describing how enjoyable the game is.

Pokemon X is an amazing game. Although, there could've been more content in the game, the game itself is still a masterpiece. I'm not that much of a gamer, but dang, did that game get me addicted! I couldn't stop my self from playing. Every second was just a moment of peace and fun. The game was well planned out, since there was a good storyline, graphics, gameplay, a bit of humor, and much more to make the game more amusing. Okay, I admit, Pokemon X isn't one of the best 3DS games to other gamers, but let me just say, it is one of my favorites.
I would say that Animal Crossing New Leaf is a 10/10 game. It is so fun. You can go to your friends and families towns. It is really fun you also have a lot of people in your town. That is why I give it 10/10.
Fire Emblem Awakening is definetly worthy if the ttitle for the ggame that deserves a 10/10, great story, amazing characters, unforgettable twist and turns and definetly one tof NNintendo's best games if not best RPG (sorry Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars;;) it's just a friggin' masterpiece!
I know FE:A deserves to get 10/10; everything's perfect despite of the inexistence of feet :p
For me, the main story isn't that strong (compared to Final Fantasy Tactics), but the other contents are so rich, including the conversation and the pairing. The soundtrack is also perfectly done.
  • #10
I gave Retro City Rampage a 10/10 in my review because it was so versatile, so knowledgeable of gaming yet it didn't feel disjointed with all the things you can do in the game.

Liberation Maiden is another one I would give 10/10 for the great story, excellent gameplay and the high production values for an eShop game. It's so impressive in all departments.
  • #11
I don't know yet. Maybe SSB when i get the full version. Bravely default for me is 9/10 because of some repetitive chapters. It's starting to get boring. But it is a solid game for those who like jrpg like me.
  • #12
rune factory 4

as a harvest moon freak, i enjoyed rune factory like a kid in a candy store.

some people may not know this, but rf4 boasts a awesome sound track
3 arcs of the story
awesome post game
nice characters
nice extras for beating the game. like being able to play songs from older rune factory games, and the ability to change your appearance to any character in the game.
i love farming, and raising animals.
Selecting your waifu/husbando is fun too. takes forever though to get them to finally marry you, but it's a sim, and people dont marry right away.
forging is sexy, and has a lot of hidden mechanics to it.
Cooking, Fishing. You name it, they have it.
  • #13
A Link Between Worlds so far is the only 10/10 for me, the only problem the game had was it wasn't as longed as I wanted it to be, other than that it is a flawless game.
  • #14
Fire Emblem Awakening and Kid Icarus Uprising.
  • #15
Pokemon X. I have literally 220 Hours invested into this game, and I am not sure I will stop playing it anymore, until it gets kicked off the Pokemon Global Link like every other Pokemon Game. By then I will probably have Omega Ruby, though.
  • #16
Super Smash Bros for 3ds,i have only played the demo but it was good and when I watched some videos of it on youtube,it was really good,this game totally deserves a 10/10.
  • #17
I would say Kid Icarus: Uprising is a game I would give a 10/10. The graphics are amazing, there is tons of content, and it has great replay value. Plus, the voice acting is on point! Very comical dialogue between characters! Sakurai really put a lot of heart into this game, and it really shows.
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  • #18
Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward This game is simply amazing. Its a really good sequel to 999. I love to read and figure out puzzles, so this game was good for that. Good replay value.

Pokemon X Really I could put any pokemon game for 3ds here. Pokemon never disappoints me in their game series.

The Legend Of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3ds A remake, but still a very cherished game to have on the 3ds. I had a lot of fun replaying this on my 3ds.
  • #19
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse has become the second 3DS game I've ever given a perfect score in all my time of reviewing 3DS games :cat:

I loved it - [insert 'nothing is perfect' blabness here] but I didn't find anything to complain about in it and I enjoyed it thoroughly, and I felt it deserved a 10.
  • #20
There is no game I would give a 10 out of 10, simply because I know none that is absolutely flawless. The closest one so far is Fantasy Life, to which I would give an 8.5 or 9.

The story isn't great, not at all, but the gameplay is amazing, the freedom is stunning. The story is more like a big tutorial to now be overwhelmed by the freedom of the game; the more you progress in the story, the more locations you unlock. And by unlocking new locations, you can progress in your multiple classes/lifes. This prevent you from being totally lost, as the world is really big and there is so much to do!