The Snow Bird
Towns Folk
I have to say that I don't like legendarys. Their just too OP, and thats never something i like. They also dont carry much value, as getting them is a crucial point in the game, so i prefer the normal pokemon over legendarys. Also, i just like the simplicity and realisticity of some pkmn(pikachu is like a mouse for example) where as legendarys are just so big, and unreaslitic.
Ah, but some legendaries aren't actually that great. Deoxys (base form) isn't actually as strong as people used to think. Mega Mewtwo and Mega Rayquaza, though, have the strongest BSTs in the game. But not every legendary is actually overpowered. Like in Gen 1 how the birds were 3 of the strongest Pokemon in the game, and now they just get washed away by stronger legendaries, and are more common to be found on a team than any other legendaries.
Though it makes me shudder thinking about it, maybe eventually a Pokemon stronger than Mega Mewtwo and Mega Rayqauza will come in the future... *cough* Mega Magikarp *cough*