What if you had a gaming class in school?

  • Thread starter AricAttack
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Towns Folk
Hello everyone it’s Aric again :D anyways I was just curious what would you do if you had a gaming class in your school, or an esports team at your school, would you like it? would you hate it?, my science teacher wanted to start an esports team with the high school but I guess no one agreed to that, anyways would you do it/join it?
Honestly @AricAttack I would not like to be in a Esports team because Lol because I would not like to play against other people because I’m really competitive and here’s a reason why for example let’s say we are playing a multiplayer game and you’re playing against someone in your class who is really good at the game then he/she beats you in the game if it was me I would probably be upset and I would not enjoy games that much and I would rather play games at home instead of joining and playing with others in a gaming class.
Honestly I would love to have had a gaming class or club in high school. An eSports team would have been cool too but I don’t like a lot of the games that require teams like cs:go or league of legends.
I tried to bring that up in my student council once but no one seemed to like the idea.
As long as it’s fun games, heck yes, we need more esports teams! We should totally make a petition for classes to have a mandatory Splatoon 2 session every day! :p
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Reactions: Mizunil, SS1o7crazydude and AricAttack
As long as it’s fun games, heck yes, we need more esports teams! We should totally make a petition for classes to have a mandatory Splatoon 2 session every day! :p
Why stop at Splatoon 2? Lets get Super Smash Bros Ultimate into it! You get grades depending on how good you are at the game.
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OK BOYS IM BACK, and I um... Im at the esports team in my school lmao
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So lucky. I'd never get anything done in school if I had one. I mean if I graduated and came back... nah that's to out of the park. I mean a team would be fun but who would I team with? Going to local Smash events is the closest I got to that and I'd love it, but there should be a mandatory shower rule. lol
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At my high school we have an esports club which has quite a few games in it. I play smash in the esports club with 21 others.
  • #10
At my high school we have an esports club which has quite a few games in it. I play smash in the esports club with 21 others.
I play smash in the esports club too!
  • #11
Heck yeah, I’d love it. It really sucks, because now that I’m out of school they DO have a gaming club. A teacher I know let me stop by and visit it and it looked like a blast. We didn’t have that when I was a kid. They also have a lot of other things like certain college prep classes we didn’t have. This is my last year in my 20s, and I already feel old as heck lol.
  • #12
I think it would depend a lot on the type of games we'd play as to whether I'd really enjoy the class or not. If it's a class focused on FPS or MOBA type games, I wouldn't really like it all that much. If it focused on RPGs, on the other hand, it'd be great fun for me! I think the best kind for me, though, would be one focused on simulation RPGs, because they can teach a lot about story telling and skills such as farming or building.
  • #13
my science teacher wanted to start an esports team with the high school but I guess no one agreed to that
Your high school is crazy.

I can see it working out as a club, but I can't see it working out as a class in a proper school.

I don't think I'll be too happy with the idea of an esports class if I ever have kids. I'd want them to learn their schoolwork and then when they're doing good, let them play a lil game to enjoy themselves.
  • #14
I would want it. It sounds fun.
  • #15
tbh, it wouldnt be that bad. i would enjoy it actually. i enjoy FPS and MOBA, but RPGs would be pretty cool to. and if u get school credit for it, it would be even better! also, careers are being made outta gaming now, like streaming. so they should consider it.
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  • #16
I used to go to an esports club at school before covid happened so I can see a gaming class be a possibility honestly. I see a gaming class to be a pretty dope class not gonna lie but I see It as a class to make videogames and test them out rather than to just play them.
  • #17
It would definitely happen because my school does something call Genius Hour

we're allowed for our site to be about gaming
  • #18
Well I really wish there was a club like that when I was in high school. I had no clubs that were remotely interesting. If there was a club like that, I would probably look into joining. It would depend on what kind of games they played, or if they at least had an option to play some single-player games. Competitive gaming is not something that I usually go for or have a good time partaking in.

If it were a gaming class you could take, I'd be all for it. I'd take it as many years as I could as long as I got credit, and probably again my senior year for the heck of it. Being able to play games in high school would have been a dream for me. Maybe it's good there never was one. I had enough trouble with my grades in a few subjects during those last few years.

As far as an actual esports team, that would be an interesting addition to school life. I can imagine it creating new cliques in the school, though I'd highly doubt that an esports team's member would hold the same social standing as a traditional sports team's players.
  • #19
Hello everyone it’s Aric again :D anyways I was just curious what would you do if you had a gaming class in your school, or an esports team at your school, would you like it? would you hate it?, my science teacher wanted to start an esports team with the high school but I guess no one agreed to that, anyways would you do it/join it?
I'd rather playing video games be a club rather than a class. You come to school to learn, not play. You can play once you're not busy. That's how the real world works. Schools should be teaching that instead of being baloney lol :p.

A club is much better imo, as it doesn't require everyone to join. There's also a lot of people who all like different genres from one another. I'd rather not have people playing games they feel uncomfortable with or games they don't like, as it defeats the whole purpose of video games. There would have to be different video game genre clubs, and im pretty certain that the principal and staff would most likely not understand the reasoning of why there are 10 video game clubs lol. And if that were to be approved still, I'd much rather mess up on Beach Volleyball alone or with friends than mess up on Beach Volleyball with 100 eyes staring at me.

We haven't even started to talk about the cost of the stuff to begin with. If we want to learn about video games, we need multiple video game consoles and multiple video games. multiple video game consoles for multiple children would cost so much, and if they get broken, that's another 100 dollars trying to fix the console. There's also the case of new games. Do you have a board game club at your school? My old one sure did, and they had to spend almost all of their funding for new board games. Video games are more expensive, which means the school may not even be able to buy new games. It's basically doomed from the start. That is unless yall use books lol, but i think that's different from what you imagined.

As for the esports team, that wouldn't really work as well. Sure it requires less funding, as they would probably just bring their own consoles, we still haven't discussed where they'll compete. Where? In local tourneys? I bet the school will split the winnings, and the moment they do that, the team is sure to quit and make their own esports team to keep the money to themselves. So unless there's a school vs school esports tournament, it's never gonna happen. But there's yet another roadblock to face. The electricity bill. Basically, many people playing video games on video game consoles at the same time at the same place is sure to cost a lot unless they're playing on mobile.

It wouldn't really work out unless they play at home. But that wouldn't be called a club now, would it? :p

You could also argue that what if it's just a play whatever club, but assuming clubs are after school (as they usually are) that would just be slacking off at school, and you're much better off going home.
  • #20
It would definitely happen because my school does something call Genius Hour

we're allowed for our site to be about gaming