what is better Pokemon or Yo-Kai

  • Thread starter pokemon wiz kid
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  • #21
I like pokémon so much better
  • #22
of course not pokemon FTW yo kai looks like a pokemon cash in. the idea has already been done with pokemon we don't need another >:3
  • #23
I feel that if yokai had come out before the big Pokemon boom it would be so much more attractive to a wider audience. Simply put, we all still play Pokemon because of its nostalgia and we pass down our love for it to younger generations too. That's why Pokemon copycats don't seems to get much or any praise at all, but yokai isn't exactly a copycat and has pretty interesting concepts on its own. In my opinion, yokai would be a better anime than a videogame, since it only takes place in one city, meanwhile Pokemon takes place in a univetse, one that can constantly be expanded and revisited to keep games interested. Maybe if yokai came out first, they couldve implemented the universal strategy, but Pokemon took those ropes and is what a lot of gamers grew up on.
  • #24
Probably go with Pokemon. Why? Well probably because 1: Yo-Kai Watch is technically the same thing as Pokemon but maybe a bit worse, and 2: Pokemon is still more interactive and I remember battling my brother with each of our own Pokemon on the original DS. Good times. Anyway, Pokemon! I CHOOSE YOU!
  • #25
I will always stick with Pokemon :p It's just a game more memorable to play and when you like Pokemon it's not easy to get into games of the similar sort. But Yokai Watch is a fairly good alternative in my opinion. The idea of Yokai (ghost, spirit or demon in Japanese folklore) was pretty cool itself :p
  • #26
Pokemon is a favorite due to...... well just being nostalgic. Yokai is new andis a pokemon competitor that sadly didn't hop on the hype or shiny train. My friend loves yokai and I have seen her play it. It's good. But not good enough to make me put down my 6 year old game boy just to play yokai. Speaking the enemies and allies are all most always forced to kill or catch. Not like pokemon. there's probably not going to be a yokai sequal. Just a lot of merch and spinoffs.
  • #27
Pokemon and yo-kai watch are different from each other in a lot of ways. I do enjoy pokemon and still plan to get sun and moon when they come out but I find that I enjoy yo-kai watch much more and I plan to get the yo-kai watch 2 when it comes out as well. To say witch one is best really depends on witch you enjoy the game play , story and so on in the games .
  • #28
Pokemon and yo-kai watch are different from each other in a lot of ways. I do enjoy pokemon and still plan to get sun and moon when they come out but I find that I enjoy yo-kai watch much more and I plan to get the yo-kai watch 2 when it comes out as well. To say witch one is best really depends on witch you enjoy the game play , story and so on in the games .
Ur right!