Towns Folk
Champion ;-;
I'm quite stubborn so I'd get there eventually. I'd try to get all 8 badges in all regions and win the league to battle the champion. Even tho it would be hard I'd want to become a world class trainer. (And beat Cynthia for giving my major grief when I started out it Diamond and Platinum. Mainly her Garchomp)
I'd prolly be one of those trainers with lots of pokemon and lots of variety. My main pokemon would be Glaceon, Gastrodon (it's actually pretty good and underrated), Hydreigon, Volcarona, Staraptor, Tyranitar, Roserade and Scizor. I'd keep my Luxray out of its pokeball and only use it in dire situations (cause it's a beast and is just too OP for even Tobias and his legendary team)
I'm quite stubborn so I'd get there eventually. I'd try to get all 8 badges in all regions and win the league to battle the champion. Even tho it would be hard I'd want to become a world class trainer. (And beat Cynthia for giving my major grief when I started out it Diamond and Platinum. Mainly her Garchomp)
I'd prolly be one of those trainers with lots of pokemon and lots of variety. My main pokemon would be Glaceon, Gastrodon (it's actually pretty good and underrated), Hydreigon, Volcarona, Staraptor, Tyranitar, Roserade and Scizor. I'd keep my Luxray out of its pokeball and only use it in dire situations (cause it's a beast and is just too OP for even Tobias and his legendary team)