When Buying Retail...

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Towns Folk
Do you consider buying retail copies of games...

... if the game is too big for your SD card?
... if want to see your collection grow?
... so you can resell/swap the game after finishing it?
... if there are freebies inside?
... if the game is retail exclusive?
... or for some other reason?
I usually buy my games at retail, sometimes if there is something exclusive for that game you can get but can't on the eshop, after a few months or so i get bored of my games and will trade in, sell/swap them once in a while.
I've always bought retail copies of my games. But I tend to appreciate if there's some bonus content with it.
And to answer the whole question quickly:

I buy the game only if I like it. Since I've always bought retail games, I have quite a collection of games (thought I sold some), so, I'm not concerned by the memory remaining on my SD Card.
Do you consider buying retail copies of games...

... if the game is too big for your SD card? If it happened I would, but I usually consider retail copies of games first unless I get a random urge to download for one reason or another. Plus I have a 16GB SD Card.
... if want to see your collection grow? It's not the sole thing that drives me to buying physical games, but it's definitely a side motivation assuming random urges don't happen.
... so you can resell/swap the game after finishing it? No, I would never sell a game unless I seriously, seriously, seriously hated it.
... if there are freebies inside? Assuming I like the game and want to buy it, if the price is right I would because I'm cheap. :>
... if the game is retail exclusive? Assuming I like the game and nothing's stopping me from getting a physical copy, I would anyway unless random urges happen.
... or for some other reason? I naturally default to retail games, so if it interests me and I don't want the download version (if it has one) more for some reason, then I'd consider buying it.
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For full 3DS titles, I always try to buy retail, because I like collecting the manual and the cover :) . Project X Zone came with two of those Health Warning things with the cover arts, so I cut one of them and pasted it on my room's wall :p *cheep cheep*

There's rarely freebies inside :panda: but if there are, oh goody.

And my SD card is only 2GB yet, so ... :bag:
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For full 3DS titles, I always try to buy retail, because I like collecting the manual and the cover :) .

Manuals don't add to my desire for a game nowadays, I miss the deeper manuals gaming companies no longer seem to publish with retail games, I loved reading those when I couldn't sleep at night.
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Manuals don't add to my desire for a game nowadays, I miss the deeper manuals gaming companies no longer seem to publish with retail games, I loved reading those when I couldn't sleep at night.
Yeah, skimpy manuals really disappoint me. :cry:

The Resident Evil: Revelations manual was nice though :)
I like to buy retail games because I like having the box kept with all my other physical copies of my games. It also gives you a better feeling of ownership when you have the retail copy. Plus, you get some form of bonus with the game. (Eg. Club Nintendo)
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I consider the swapping/returning the game, because I might get bored of the games, and getting money off for another game(s) is great. Another point would be to expand my collection. It's nice to have at least a few.
  • #10
Box art. I mean, just like books, I can touch them and so on. Something physical is a matter I appreciate.
I don't have any plan to sell physical games, unless it's really bad. I once sold Hometown Story to save some money for Bravely Default.
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  • #11
Box art. I mean, just like books, I can touch them and so on. Something physical is a matter I appreciate.
I don't have any plan to sell physical games, unless it's really bad. I once sold Hometown Story to save some money for Bravely Default.
Because it isn't so homy in Hometown Story :sneaky:
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  • #12
I'll just upgrade my SD card so the first option is out of the question :p

I don't buy my games retail (unless I REALLY have to) but if I were to choose retail, it'd definitely have to be a retail exclusive (which I don't think will be a thing anymore tbh) or to resell/swap if the game doesn't have replay value.
  • #13
I'll just upgrade my SD card so the first option is out of the question :p

I don't buy my games retail (unless I REALLY have to) but if I were to choose retail, it'd definitely have to be a retail exclusive (which I don't think will be a thing anymore tbh) or to resell/swap if the game doesn't have replay value.
So did you buy physical SMT IV?
I don't know, but in a 3DS local group I joined in Facebook, many people buy and sell their (2nd) games. I guess the trend happens because I live in a developing country where games are still (really) expensive. We are used to buy/play illegal games, so the urge to get new games (by selling the old ones) is high. That's the same with 2nd games, many people still want to buy them.
  • #14
So did you buy physical SMT IV?
Nah.. I think I got SMT4 day 1 from the eShop. I don't think that sort of game would have been in the video game stores I visit, plus it would have been overpriced anyway. Getting it shipped to me would have taken time too, :panda:
  • #15
Nah.. I think I got SMT4 day 1 from the eShop. I don't think that sort of game would have been in the video game stores I visit, plus it would have been overpriced anyway. Getting it shipped to me would have taken time too, :panda:
I forgot to add that we here sucks at internet connection. That's why we prefer physical games.
Somehow I feel blessed living in my country -- though, yes, it needs time to ship right to my house. Like, 1-2 days. It depends on the distributors importing the game.
  • #16
I always buy retail, unless it's digital-exclusive. This may change in the future, if there's a game I can't find in stores, but that's probably the only time I'd buy digitally. Also, I have the pack-in memory card, which is only 2gb, so...
  • #17
If it's the same price, I obviously buy stuff download because it's less of a hassle and because I have an American Region Wii U and 3DS but I live in Europe. If it's cheaper (like it usually is about 1-2 months after release on amazon.com) I buy it there.
  • #18
For me I like to get retail games because for one they use up less data and you have a box, manual, etc. to express your ownership of the game.
  • #19
I usually buy Retail games for the thought of adding it to my new gaming collection, It's usually either that or I buy it for the manuals, Club Nintendo codes or Exclusive content. :rolleyes:
  • #20
I buy retail because stores often discount games and the like. Having a cartridge also gives me a sense of security. In addition, I'm a bit worried about deleting my digital games or save files accidentally (I know you can redownload the games, it's just something that I get worried about).