Luka Shipper
Towns Folk
To be fair though a good Robin can catch the tomes and sword and doesn't just randomly spam they send things out to bait and trick and read and stuff. Anyways for me it's gotta be Luigi I mean seriously %40 of one down throw combo is insane. Same with Mario, those two are sooo annoying and a pain to fight. Mario is even more annoying since he can flip stiff with his cape. And then to top it off ZSS all da spam is just too much.Robin is the most annoying. You can keep the combos for diddy, shiek, and Zero suit samus. But the most annoying character is robin. He/she can always spam thunder and arcfire a lot. Arcthunder and arcfire can get you trapped and robin could use a smash attack making it deal a lot if damage and knock back. Its annoying. Probably even worse than little Mac spamming smash attacks.