Which game is better to get first ?

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Which should I get first ?

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Towns Folk
So I am really wanting to get these three games :
  • Super Smash Brothers for 3ds
  • Pokemon X
  • The Legend of Zelda : Majora's Mask 3d
So I would like opinions on what to get first thing . I really like games with online and I was thinking of getting Smash . Please post in the poll and comment the reason of your choice for me :) I need comments :D
I voted for Smash. for the fact you are looking for a game you could play online is a good choice but only if your internet it's kind of fast and good. But you can also enjoy a lot the game without online because if you are looking for the difficult of a real person fighting with CPU at level 9 its even harder than fight with other people :mad:. But Pokemon X is an amazing choice too, if you love pokemon games you will enjoy every second of the game and the online is quite good and doesn't need to have the BEST internet conection to play online. I hope I helped :p good luck
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I voted for Smash. for the fact you are looking for a game you could play online is a good choice but only if your internet it's kind of fast and good. But you can also enjoy a lot the game without online because if you are looking for the difficult of a real person fighting with CPU at level 9 its even harder than fight with other people :mad:. But Pokemon X is an amazing choice too, if you love pokemon games you will enjoy every second of the game and the online is quite good and doesn't need to have the BEST internet conection to play online. I hope I helped :p good luck
Well I can say that my internet is quite better than most people that I know :p Guess should be grateful for that :p I also like Pokemon X quite equally but it is just something inside of me that just tilts me to getting Smash >.< Thanks for the comment though :D
Smash recommended :thumbsup:

even tho it's sad that every timwe im go online it get error ;_;
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I'd say pokémon X, it was my first game too and it's a great way to get you into the world of the 3ds. Apart from being a great game it'll also introduce you to the basic features of the 3ds at a gentle pace. After going from a Dsi to a 3ds I had to get used to the circle pad, and pokémon X was perfect for stuff like that. My impressions of Smash Bros. is that you already need to know how to handle your 3ds before it gets fun and I don't know Majora's Mask well enough to say something about that.
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Neither, i suggest you (and everyone i met) to try Kingdom Hearts, Kupo, it's the best game ever made! (that's until i get sponsored to make my own unable-to-stop-playing game that is:p) there is not one living being with a beating heart in this world that don't like that game
My favorite game among those ones would be Smash... But I'd vote Pokemon X :p

Simply because Smash is an online only game (well, not exactly but pretty much), Majora's Mask is a solo only game, but Pokemon X can be both.

Now, I can understand that Pokemon's online mode is less interesting than Smash's, but it also have less lag issues, as already mentionned by others.

And if you like online games, why not consider MH4U too (it also has a solo mode) ?
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I'd say pokémon X, it was my first game too and it's a great way to get you into the world of the 3ds. Apart from being a great game it'll also introduce you to the basic features of the 3ds at a gentle pace. After going from a Dsi to a 3ds I had to get used to the circle pad, and pokémon X was perfect for stuff like that. My impressions of Smash Bros. is that you already need to know how to handle your 3ds before it gets fun and I don't know Majora's Mask well enough to say something about that.
Yeah but I played Kid Icarus : Uprising plenty a lot to say that I really handle Smash my 3ds properly . also I played the demo too occasionally so that makes me more comfortable . I would love Pokemon X too but I am just leaning more toward Smash because Kid Icarus : Uprising 's interface is quite similar to Smash so yeah :p
Yeah but I played Kid Icarus : Uprising plenty a lot to say that I really handle Smash my 3ds properly . also I played the demo too occasionally so that makes me more comfortable . I would love Pokemon X too but I am just leaning more toward Smash because Kid Icarus : Uprising 's interface is quite similar to Smash so yeah :p
Well in that case you already made up your mind; go get that game! (Sometimes getting the wrong advice helps you figure out you already made up your mind; you just didn't know it)
  • #10
Well, if you are interested in online features, I would cross out Majoras Mask (allthough its a beatiful game With a great story). Since both pokemon and smash are online games, you need to pick which one of the games that fit Your playstyle the most. want a high paced fighting game? or do you want a wide rpg With lots of different strategies?
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  • #11
Go for Smash! I think you'll really enjoy it. Customizing is a neat feature, and using the Mii's to your advantage may give you the edge in battle. There is plenty to unlock (characters/trophies) to keep you busy. Add some Smash 3DS players from here to give you a good challenge! The graphics are pretty awesome. Controls are easy to get used to. :)
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  • #12
Majora's Mask 3D I don't know much about, but I have heard good things.

From personal experience, I've found Pokémon X (and Y by extension) to be quite mediocre in many regards (too easy, dull areas, bland story, slow pacing, very lacking post-game, disinteresting characters, few memorable tracks, etc.), besides the multiplayer aspect.

Smash 3DS, while lacking in a wide variety of single-player options, has a very solid online that'll keep you coming back day after day if you find others to play with (or even if you just like the gameplay and want to versus strangers online), and I've personally found to be overall incredibly enjoyable.

So I would go with Smash.
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  • #13
Either Super Smash Bros. For 3DS or Pokemon X. These two games have a boat-load of content, replay-ability, and online features. I'd recommend Smash out of the two. Majora's Mask is probably the most significant, since it has made an impact upon many people's childhoods, but game play isn't really too bountiful compared to the other two games.

Simply whatever you like the most is what you should go for. I remember you talking about how much you wanted to get Smash, though. :sneaky:
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Reactions: Mikaya and 2071
  • #14
POkemon it is a fighting game like digimon digimon is better than pokemon but it is still good. Pokemon is 3d and you can get all the legendaries but it can take a while to do it can take little time. my cousin beat it in 6 hours.

-King Leinad
  • #15
I don't think you should get Pokemon X because it is considdered old now and you have OR or AS I think. So you should get Super Smash bros and then the next Poemon game that might come out in the next year or so. Majora's Mask is awesome but it isn't as good as Pokemon and SSB. :p
  • #16
POkemon it is a fighting game like digimon digimon is better than pokemon but it is still good. Pokemon is 3d and you can get all the legendaries but it can take a while to do it can take little time. my cousin beat it in 6 hours.

-King Leinad
...you don't have to say "-King Leinad" at the end of al your posts, we can see it was you.
  • #17
  • #18
aoll games r grat you think that to thar owsom i just love so much games you i am happy tha made nintendo made 3ds 2ds and wii u i think thar sistoms thar grate so get one and you will love it i like all of the sistoms
  • #19
Smash Bros is a wonderful game if you are looking to play online with others. There are also lots of characters to play as, so there will at least be one that you like and like playing as. I'd get that one first.
If your heart is leaning more towards Pokemon, I'd get Pokemon Y instead of Pokemon X. Mainly because Y has a cooler looking Legendary, and more people have X than Y. I usually by the minority Pokemon game, but if that isn't your thing, than get X. It has some cool exclusives.
  • #20
Smash bros. offers great online play as well as Pokemon X though i often find myself sometimes getting bored of Pokemon X. (No offense.) while on the other hand Smash Bros offers fast paced and intense game play that will grip you and have you playing for hours. And though i am a lucrative Zelda fan, it doesn't have any kind of online play. and dont see myself playing it again after its beaten.