Which game is better to get first ?

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Which should I get first ?

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  • #21
Only get pokemon if you have friends who have it if you don't have any that have the game then get super smash bros, Zelda is way too hard from what I have heard.
  • #22
I voted Majora's Mask 3D because that's my favorite between those (I own all of them so...), but if you like online gaming, I think Smash would be a better choice? I don't really know because, as much as I like Smash, MM3D is unbeatable really
  • #23
I voted on Pokémon X because of how immersive the online multiplayer is. It was literally the second 3DS game I ever owned and I spent hours and hours and hours on it back when it came out.
  • #24
Only get pokemon if you have friends who have it if you don't have any that have the game then get super smash bros, Zelda is way too hard from what I have heard.

Zelda too hard? Majora's Mask was rather easy. It was way easier than the original version, honestly.
  • #25
i vote for super smash bros cus it has all the famous characters nintendo made, i think nintendo made em :rolleyes:
also it introduces u to wut the characters special ability is like, or wuts in their game

pretty easy to play and is addictive :bookworm:
  • #26
I'd go for either Smash Bros or Pokemom X. Smash Bros is an extremely popular game here on the forums as you've no doubt seen, while Pokemon has its own league here, which helps add on to the content you can do. Either one of those would be a good choice, but MM would probably be boring after awhile because it doesn't have multiplayer (though replaying it would probably be fun)
  • #27
This is only my opinion so don't make your decision on what I say. Right off the bat, I'm not a fan of Pokémon; between Smash and Majora's Mask I would probably get Majora's Mask, but if I wanted multiplayer then I would definitely get smash( I'm not sure if it's online multiplayer though).
  • #28
I honestly think that you should get Super Smash bros. It's a great game and has alot to do, and you can play this game competitively with others. I think it's the best choice of them, unless you would prefer a Zelda game then i say go for that. All based on preference my advice would be to try both of them out before purchase. There is a demo for smash on the eShop so you should try that for an example not sure about the Zelda game.
  • #29
Pokemon X! The first 3d pokemon game! There is also mega evolutions! Very good upgrade from the previous pokemon games. You can also battle your friends and other people online. You can also trade online. Also there is many new pokemon in the kalos region!
  • #30
I think Smash is the best choice because you can battle online with people all around the world. It has great ratings.