Who Owns Nintendogs + Cats?

  • Thread starter nightfury123
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The Night Fury
Towns Folk
I'm just curious... :D
I don't. Should I?
This is one of the 3DS release games, right? I don't own this though.
This is one of the 3DS release games, right? I don't own this though.
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I'm sure people have learned their lesson after playing one on the DS or by playing Hey, You Pikachu or by not wanting it in the first place.
I'm sure people have learned their lesson after playing one on the DS or by playing Hey, You Pikachu or by not wanting it in the first place.
It's a game. Virtual pets have no emotion. There is no reason for you to play them unless you are intensely bored and you have nothing else to do. It's meaningless. Getting a real pet is much better than a virtual pet game.
It's a game. Virtual pets have no emotion. There is no reason for you to play them unless you are intensely bored and you have nothing else to do. It's meaningless. Getting a real pet is much better than a virtual pet game.
I get what you're saying, but I don't have a dog in real life, so for me the virtual dogs are the closest thing to getting a real dog. And plus, with a real dog the cost is on going, because you have to pay for its food and toys and such, whereas you only have to make one payment to buy the game.
  • #10
lol i own it - on ds though - its ok i guess but i think i will stick with my REAL pet dog :p
lol i could hardly ply it cause my mic got broken on my ds so i couldn't name my dog :p
i would get a real dog then a virtual one cause i can touch my dog :p
  • #11
lol i own it - on ds though - its ok i guess but i think i will stick with my REAL pet dog :p
lol i could hardly ply it cause my mic got broken on my ds so i couldn't name my dog :p
i would get a real dog then a virtual one cause i can touch my dog :p
Oh, that's not very good. I have it on my DS too. It's a shame your mic is broken and you can't name your dog; why don't you play Nintendogs on your 3DS, and then you can name your dog? I'm assuming the mic isn't broken on your 3DS as well.
  • #12
Oh, that's not very good. I have it on my DS too. It's a shame your mic is broken and you can't name your dog; why don't you play Nintendogs on your 3DS, and then you can name your dog? I'm assuming the mic isn't broken on your 3DS as well.

lol nah i don't play it anymore anyways :p
i play with my dog - real one :p
and teach it real tricks like

  1. sit
  2. down (he lies down )
  3. lie done(he lies down on his side)
  4. shake hands
  5. hi - 5
  6. put em up - he balances and put his paws up
  7. BANG BANG - he barks and dies
  8. ALIVE - its the only command that lets him come up from BANG BANG
  9. roll over
  10. back roll
  11. stand - he stands for 6 seconds
  12. stay -- he will stay for a long time :p (once i was curious - i was much smaller - i wanted to see how long he would stay and i put his food in front of him and i said stay and he stayed for a WHOLE 45 min !! i was like WTF ? he has self control :p i know it was a little cruel but i was smaller then so i didn't know)
  13. door - he opens a door i point at

lol i taught my dog all these tricks without a trainer or someone helping :p
hes a smart boy ... like me :p
  • #13
lol nah i don't play it anymore anyways :p
i play with my dog - real one :p
and teach it real tricks like

  1. sit
  2. down (he lies down )
  3. lie done(he lies down on his side)
  4. shake hands
  5. hi - 5
  6. put em up - he balances and put his paws up
  7. BANG BANG - he barks and dies
  8. ALIVE - its the only command that lets him come up from BANG BANG
  9. roll over
  10. back roll
  11. stand - he stands for 6 seconds
  12. stay -- he will stay for a long time :p (once i was curious - i was much smaller - i wanted to see how long he would stay and i put his food in front of him and i said stay and he stayed for a WHOLE 45 min !! i was like WTF ? he has self control :p i know it was a little cruel but i was smaller then so i didn't know)
  13. door - he opens a door i point at

lol i taught my dog all these tricks without a trainer or someone helping :p
hes a smart boy ... like me :p
Wow, you've taught him so many tricks. My uncle taught his dog the stay trick once for when he eats his food. But I think it's cruel too because the only reason dogs need to know stay is to keep them safe, really: to stop them running out of the door or into the road. And he was really hungry too, he wanted his dinner. :hungry:
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  • #14
Wow, you've taught him so many tricks. My uncle taught his dog the stay trick once for when he eats his food. But I think it's cruel too because the only reason dogs need to know stay is to keep them safe, really: to stop them running out of the door or into the road. And he was really hungry too, he wanted his dinner. :hungry:
yeah :p I'm very proud of my dog :p! he's the best dog anyone could wish for :p
i guess now that i think back - it was quite funny cause he kept looking at his food and a puddle of drool appeared in front of him :p but i don't do that anymore - but its good to train him that way as if a car is coming and theres something smelling good across tha road then he will :"hopefully " resist it :p
  • #15
yeah :p I'm very proud of my dog :p! he's the best dog anyone could wish for :p
i guess now that i think back - it was quite funny cause he kept looking at his food and a puddle of drool appeared in front of him :p but i don't do that anymore - but its good to train him that way as if a car is coming and theres something smelling good across tha road then he will :"hopefully " resist it :p
Yes, "hopefully". But if your dog is like my uncle's dog, he doesn't behave when he goes out for walks and can't sit still at the side of the road. He's really strong too, he's a Staffordshire Bull Terrier male called Kane. He's black with a white blaze across his chest. He's very hyper and pulls on the lead a lot. :D
  • #16
I have it. It was pretty fun for a while since it came with my 3ds on release. Though, like all games with me, I eventually got tired of it and stopped playing regularly. Sometimes I check it now and then.
  • #17
I have it. It was pretty fun for a while since it came with my 3ds on release. Though, like all games with me, I eventually got tired of it and stopped playing regularly. Sometimes I check it now and then.
Oh. Do you want to play on it and trade items?
  • #18
I actually am a huge fan of the series and I enjoyed the new 3DS one so much more than the original. :) They added a whole bunch of new toys to play with.
  • #19
I don't. Nor have I heard of many people that do. Are they a pretty fun series?
  • #20
I don't. Nor have I heard of many people that do. Are they a pretty fun series?
It's pretty fun for a few days, but I don't go on it so much now; it gets boring. :(