I personally like MonHun because its like a portable Dark Souls. It takes skill to win against some hard monsters... like the Konchu. Seriously. The Konchu is probably the most evil monster that exists. Back to skill, you choose between several different weapons to try to kill a monster. Or you could become a Lancer(#LancerMasterRace) and become the MonHun master.
To most MonHun fans graphics are actually the least important things in MonHun(Seriously, the graphics are BAD). Whats interesting about MonHun compared to other games is that there is no LVLing up. You are as good as your items. And to get said items you need to farm a monster X amount of times just to get a certain part.
I recommend going to desiresensor.com to judge how many times you may have to fight an annoying monster and go to Kiranico.com for monster info such as weaknesses and etc.
Try going online with friends to make it more fun. Trust me. It's more fun than using vague shoutouts like "<3 Senpai" that actually means "GET OVER HERE YOU USELESS IDIOT"(I am exaggerating. They're not that vague or rude <3)
Happy Hunting, Hunter.
PM me if you wanna hunt on MH4U with me