Why is there never a Dark Type Gym?

  • Thread starter litleo2985
  • Start date
  • #21
I think there are not a Dark type gym because there are not many good dark type Pokemons. Also many of the dark type are accompanied by a secondary type, eg Sharpedo like even electric and grass type attacks will be super effective on it. But there should be a dark type gym it is a really cool type.

There are several dark pokemon that are really powerful, and even if they weren't, gym leaders aren't always known for their "powerful" teams. Remembers the guys with Solrock and Lunatone? Lol
  • #22
Its because nintendo is nice and not dark. Maybe they're dark some times but not dark. Dark is Dark. But there is dark elite fours because elite four is dark. Nintendo is light not dark but sometime dark like in Majora's Mask. Majora Mask is dark and not light. light is light. Dark is Dark. Japan is light. Nothing is dark anymore. But Donald Trump is dark. Iwata is light and he's in heaven. Did you understand any part of this post. SO DARK
I regretted making this post
  • #23
Don't forget, Dark type is the "Evil" type in Japan. Combine that with the fact that the gym leader's types usually somewhat reflect their town, (Blaine is on a volcano island, ect) it would make sense that a town doesn't want to be associated with that.
  • #24
Its because its so dark of course d: The pokemon wouldn't be able to see where they are going on attacking! Nintendo is just looking out for the pokemon and I praise them for that! Ok jokes aside I agree with the others dark is to op... Or at least I think so... I'm still a noob.
  • #25
I really hate that everyone is saying that Dark type is too powerful but Rock as the first gym and Dragon isn't too powerful. And since most of the town's scenery is mostly based on the gym there like Cinnabar's and Pacificlog a Dark type gym isn't really good for the town. Dark type is called Evil type in the Japanese version and I don't think the town or the leader want an evil.
  • #26
Actually, there may be dark gyms but they are so dark you can't even see them.
  • #27
I love how open ended this question is. It leaves plenty of room for insanely wild conspiracy theories based on the essence of Pokémon and humor. You could go with ideas that the regions are all based off real life locations and go from there (a way to lead to misconception). You could go with the idea that Dark type Pokémon were originally were never intended to exist, but I truly deeply believe and should preach that the main reason that there is no dark type gyms in existence is because there are no bathrooms in the Pokémon games at all. Just think, oh this is all real, there are wild animals everywhere I am trying to catch but in reality they are not real. Why? Because the trainers are either in the realm of science fiction or the Pokémon are evolved forms of humans who can go potty w/o shame (Darumaka fro example)... Oh but you will say there are crossovers between Pokémon and games with bathrooms like say the Bag of Dragonite in Earthbound (which if you could put in real context "Dragonite" is probably just a slang word or derived from some strange language) well here's what I say to that...yjhkgdsakfjg I say nothing because crossovers do not explain canon.

Or all the good Dark types have a super huge weakness to Bug types which are clearly better in every stat.