Worst 3DS games

  • Thread starter ShinyLatios
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  • #21
So I got a pretty bad 3DS game a while back...OK, it isn't actually bad. It looked and sounded absolutely abysmal though, so it inspired me to ask: what are some of the worst games you've ever played on the 3DS?
  • #22
Yoshi's New Island.
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  • #23
  • #24
It is hard to say the worst games I played on the 3DS since I played some demos on the eshop and some of the games are really bad. One of the games that were horrible was called order up. The game takes place in a fast food chain and your a newbie learning to cook burgers. The graphics of the games was on a scale of 2 to 5 stars. But the worst part of the game was voice acting like seriously it made me cringe really hard my eyes hurt. The game play also wasn't as fun. I bet making a real burger from a grill is more fun than this whole game. :mad:
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  • #25
How is Yoshi's New Island bad?

Nah, I was just being facetious. While I do think the game is terrible it isn't the worst3DS game I've played. Can't think of one that immediately stands out to me, though.
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  • #26
Driver Renegade 3D is known as terrible...the game is truly rubbish but I find it to be a good time waster. :woot:
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  • #27
Ironfall lol.
The reasons why I have this game are pretty obvious, but it didn't prevent me from playing it a bit. Well, it was awful. Voice acting is ridiculous (as if they took bored people in the street and asked them if they wanted to have fun but without being paid, it doesn't help you being focused on the game), 3D models are ugly (seriously, that armor with those straight rectangles instead of legs...) and the control are weird (first because it's a shooter without a mouse, but I've seen shooters manage a lot better than this one), even with a CirclePadPro.
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  • #28
Ironfall lol.
The reasons why I have this game are pretty obvious, but it didn't prevent me from playing it a bit. Well, it was awful. Voice acting is ridiculous (as if they took bored people in the street and asked them if they wanted to have fun but without being paid, it doesn't help you being focused on the game), 3D models are ugly (seriously, that armor with those straight rectangles instead of legs...) and the control are weird (first because it's a shooter without a mouse, but I've seen shooters manage a lot better than this one), even with a CirclePadPro.
I disagree. Ironfall isn't the WORST 3DS game. I mean, it was made by TWO people come on. The game is definitely bad but the worst? Far from it. :cool:
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  • #29
I disagree. Ironfall isn't the WORST 3DS game. I mean, it was made by TWO people come on. The game is definitely bad but the worst? Far from it. :cool:
Haha yeah, it's only the worst in my opinion and among the ones I tried, but it's probably easy to find worst ^^
  • #30
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity is probably the worst so far that I've played. Repetitive gameplay and designs and a story which was quite short; and in the end no post-game any at all except doing jobs over and over. It didn't really give the feel of "exploration".
  • #31
Kid Icarus: Uprising. Half the time, I didn't know what was happening or where to go next to progress further within the game. It's pretty difficult and not suited for a first-time 3DS gamer. I did end up selling it again, although I got it 2nd hand. xD
  • #32
New super mario bros 2. It seriously is terrible, and very boring. The levels are short and really easy to beat. I 100 percent the game within 20 hours of gameplay. It is very short. The 3d is ok but its mainly collecting a bunch of coins. Its fun but gets super boring over time.
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  • #33
Oh boy. For me, the worst 3DS game that I play AND OWN would be a tie between Adventure Time: IKWYSOG and Dead or Alive: Dimensions. Adventure Time is too easy. Once you complete the game (and dedicated enough time to find all the level up chests), New Game Plus becomes ridiculously easy even if all enemies have double health because of all the Bombs you've probably gotten. As for DoA, again, too easy to me. I get told to try all these combinations and stuff but I just find myself mashing buttons... and I win for it.
  • #34
Oh boy. For me, the worst 3DS game that I play AND OWN would be a tie between Adventure Time: IKWYSOG and Dead or Alive: Dimensions. Adventure Time is too easy. Once you complete the game (and dedicated enough time to find all the level up chests), New Game Plus becomes ridiculously easy even if all enemies have double health because of all the Bombs you've probably gotten. As for DoA, again, too easy to me. I get told to try all these combinations and stuff but I just find myself mashing buttons... and I win for it.
I enjoy DoA, but hell is it easy, it's the same for me, mashing buttons wins you the game pretty much all the time...
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