Would You Rather?

  • Thread starter Laewu
  • Start date
  • #21
dead man wonderland
Would you rather have 1000 pounds of feathers or 1000 pounds of bricks?
  • #22
Feathers of course, I could make a pair of wings out of them :rolleyes:
Would you rather live in an extremely hot place or an extremely cold place?
  • #23
Extremely cold.

Would you rather own a muscle car or a monster truck?
  • #24
monster truck so I could crush things with it

Would you rather have the ability to fly or the ability to heal
  • #25
The ability to fly. It sounds selfish, but I don't want people crowding around me all the time to heal them. Also, if a friend got seriously injured, I'd be able to fly them to the hospital - faster than an ambulance :D And of course, the freedom in flying. I'd feel like Shana. I'd feel like Angeal.

Would you rather be comfortable or rich? (as in so rich you can't manage anything and need to hire accountants and personal managers and all)
  • #26
Um, comfortable, I guess? . ~ .

Would you rather have a house that's upside down, and most of the stuff you own is glued to the ceiling (the floor if the house was right side up) or live on the moon?