
  • Thread starter Flarence
  • Start date


Noble of Flames~!
Towns Folk
Before The Merge.

Flarence lied in sleep, and he dreamed. Voices without faces seemed to call and mock, as if placing order and establishing chaos in unknown amounts. Flarence could hardly focus in on the voices, it was difficult to make out the sounds with his hazy mind. He had to concentrate. He pushed into his dream...

"So... this is where everything will be combined," a deep and commanding voice echoed from nowhere.

"I'm not sure we'll be able to pull it off, these 'Nobles,' of Xandria could prove worthy adversaries," another replied. There was laughter among the darkness, whoever these Nobles were, they weren't viewed as a threat.

To Flarence, he surely thought these voices must be Gods. Flarence was amused. Right, Gods. What a joke, he thought to himself. Flarence was just dreaming. He decided to enjoy it while it lasted and not assume anything ridiculous like that again.

"SHAMOHL," one yelled in the dark. There was a response; "JAO." There was immediate rumbling and a heavy pressure in the air as the commanding voice spoke over them. "Dare not to speak your names, we are being watched," it said to them.

"Here in Xandria is where we will merge the worlds. We have already captured the souls. The disbursement will take place over time, we have captured the heroes of the worlds, and sealed them away, however we do not have the power to eradicate them. Death has been disobedient as of late".

Flarence took back what he was thinking earlier. These guys had to be Gods. However, they were not all-powerful, it seemed.

"Over time? Alright then, I'll toss these ones out right now!" There was a monotonous argument and rumbling that sounded like thunder.

"DO YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU HAVE JUST DONE?!" the leading voice yelled. "lol wut," he said back.

"You have just released some from the captured, not only that, but together. It was hard enough capturing those!" The voice scolded.

"Whats the big deal? They don't remember us, and they don't know of Xandria or the fate of the world. We're all good!"

The players have entered the Capital of Xandria.

Flarence woke up to a bright light and a crashing sound. The roof of his house had been blown open. Instinctively, Flarence dashed out of bed and grabbed his sword that lay next to his door. He was about to draw the blade before he noticed four people knocked out on the floor of his home.

Flarence was deeply confused. Had people just crashed through his house? They were extremely strange looking to Flarence. None were dressed like Xandrains, nor did they have any tattoos from their owners, assuming they may be slaves.

Each had something completely different about them, meaning that even they were different to each other. Having just awoken from a strange dream, Flarence was already confused, but this was indeed.... strange. That was the only way he could explain it.

Before Flarence could approach the unconscious people, he was knocked out by a Xandrian soldier. Soldiers filled his home and tied up the people who had mysteriously appeared in Xandria. Flarence and the others were then transported to the Xandria castle, where their worlds began to shift more.

When Flarence had awoken, he was in a cell across from who were also caged but hadn't awoken yet. Flarence sat cross-legged, waiting for something to happen. He caught notice of a guard who was watching them. "What's going on?" Flarence asked him.

The guard replied to him,"It's unfortunate you were there when it happened, but the Noblewoman wishes to question the prisoners as soon as they awake; these here may be from other worlds."

Flarence continued pondering. He had a feeling that his dream and these strange people were connected, but he didn't say anything. When these strangers woke up, they wouldn't even know where they were, questioning them would prove rather pointless... or at least Flarence seemed to think so. Flarence sat patiently and waited for the strangers to wake up.
Shileax hardly remembered anything from being captured as she slept, But she felt fine
Shileax slowly stirs and opens her eyes squinting as she gets used to the dim light, sitting up slowly she looks around, it didnt take her long to notice Flarence in the cell across the room.
She stares at him a few seconds before calmly asking.
"Who are you, and where am I?"
Yuri was starting to awaken by the idle conversation flarence and Shileax were having. The two noticed he was starting to get up and turned his way. Yuri let out a deep yawn, but when he opened his eyes, he was very confused. He walked to his cell bars and asked. "Hey, do you guys know what's going on here?"
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Shileax glances at Yuri "I have no idea stranger, I was just asking the guy over there the same question." She turns back to Flarence waiting for a response
Astro has no memories of how he got captured. He wakes up all confused and asks "Who are you guys? Why am I here? Did I do anything wrong?"
Shileax looks at Astro
"My name is Shileax as for your other two questions we are all wondering the same thing." She turns away again
Astro looks at Shileax "I see... nice to meet you anyways"
Shileax:" Mmmhmm " in acknowledgement
Astro looks confused "Who are those other 2 people?"
  • #10
Shileax still facing foward "look I'm in the same predicament as you, so plz listen when I say I have no idea what's going on here of who they are." She says as she's getting slightly annoyed.
  • #11
Flarence was amused by the outsiders. They really knew nothing. Flarence shook his head, this was absurd. To be stuck in a cell like this...

"I don't know who any of you are. I am Flarence, a slave who earned freedom from his master. I'm not sure where you are all from, but this is the capital of Xandria, and as of right now, you are in a dungeon. You all crashed through the roof of my house and dragged me into this mess. If you want to live, be very careful with your choice of words..."

s Flarence spoke, the guard opened each cell, placing metal restraints on each of the captives' hands. They were then transferred out of the dark dungeon and into an ornate hall.

As it was night time, the hall was lit with torches. The floor was decorated luxuriously in colors that Flarence had never seen before. It was rare to see any color other than the ones nature provided naturally. Flarence and the others were led to the throne room where a woman dressed in a leather battle suit awaited them.

Flarence immediately recognized the girl. It was the Noble of Time, Lillia of Xandria. Lillia had long brown hair and very sharp grey eyes that were attractive yet intimidating. She wore a single handed blade on her waist that Flarence hoped she wouldn't draw. He looked at the strangers. He really hoped they didn't try anything stupid.

Instead of terrifying questions, Lillia ordered the guards to remove the restraints. Flarence and the others were unbound and Lillia stood in silence. She observed the people in front of her and came to a conclusion. "I had a dream about all of you," Lillia spoke softly.

Flarence was put on edge.

"The Nobles are naturally attuned to the fate of the world. We have seen the threats circulating our Xandria, and we will need to stop it. Soon, there is going to be a direct attack on our city, and we will need to defend it. I request all of you for your help,"

Flarence had a bit too many questions. He was not a noble, yet he was still able to receive the dream that Lillia had. Flarence had a gut feeling that he'd figure more about himself if he were to help Lillia in whatever way he could. "
I'll help," Flarence said to her.

After Flarence''s reply, the world began to rumble once again, just like it had with the appearance of the strangers. THere was another loud crash. There was chaos and confusion outside the castle as people screamed for help. Lillia turned to the group "I will know your answer if you come to help my city!" Lillia said to them. Within the next second, she had vanished.

Flarence tilted his head around the room. Where had she gone?

The screaming people took his attention. Flarence wanted to help, but he had no weapon other than magic that would drain his energy... suddenly, he realized he felt a bit heavier. His sword had been returned to him! Without giving another thought, Flarence dashed out of the castle and into the city, hoping that others would join him.
  • #12
Shileax, was led out after listening to Flarence, and taken to some lady named Lillia.
This Lillia person apparently had a dream about all of them and apparently wants help.
Now she's standing with 3 other people because Lillia had teleported and Flarence had ran off with his sword drawn.
Shileax only had a second to decide to help before she ran after Flarence Summoning her staff as she ran after him.
OOC: Shileax's staff is Silver with a gold entwining The a nobody Symbol rests on top in a stain glass looking circle this circle does not break like glass should.
  • #13
Astro was finally let outside the cell and met this woman named Lillia who apparently had a dream about them. He heard roaring then all of a sudden he had teleported to a different location with 3 people. He saw Flarence charge in with sword and Shileax with her staff run after him. Astro didnt need to think twice before he chased after them with his Magical Whip "Hey! Wait up!"

PS: ( His whip helps him with his spells and was given to him ever since he was a little kid)
  • #14
Yuri realized what happened, with the people he just met way ahead of him. "H-hey! Wait up!" Yuri yelled. He saw the others ready their weapons and drew his dual swords.
  • #15
Mega Man One awoke with a start. "Are the Reploids attacking again?" he asked, yelling. But he soon realized that he wasn't where he had fallen asleep. Instead, he was trapped in a cell. He tried to blast out a bar with his arm cannon, but gained no results. He slunk down onto the bed, defeated.

Where am I? he wondered.
  • #16
Yuri stopped in his tracks when he heard a sound coming from one of the cells and went back. He saw a peculiar machine sulking in his bed. He banged one of the sword handles against the bars. "Hey, get up dude." The machine got up. "Good, now take a step back." The machine stepped back as instructed. "Hyyyaaaahhh!!!" Yuri swung his swords with all his force and broke the cell bars. Yuri held a hand out to the machine, smiling. "Come on, let's go!"
  • #17
Astro looks back annoyed "Dude we might in trouble for that >.>"He goes back to help Yuri
  • #18
"Thanks, man," Zero said to the man who has just broken him out of his cell. He pretended not to notice the other one's comment, but he shot a quick glare at his when the first guy turned around.

"Where are we going?"
  • #19
Astro swinging his whip around " And who may you be young one?"
  • #20
"That doesn't matter right now! The only thing that matters is getting the help outta here, but it seems like we have company..." Yuri said